REQUEST: Definition / Measurement of successful entrepreneur

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Jan 9 17:21:46 CET 2009

From: Putri Tahir [mailto:putri_r_tahir at] 
Date: Fri 9 Jan 2009 07:16

Dear all,

I have just given my first presentation on my doctorate work and in the process of refining my research proposal. The panel has asked me to clearly define "successful entrepreneurs". In my presentation I have chosen, number of years as one criteria to measure success, i.e. if they survive more than 5 years, it is a good indication that they are successful. The title of my research is " Factors that lead to developing successful entrepreneurs." If anyone has done similar research on this, or anything that can measure an entrepreneurs' success, I would appreciate some advice.
Thank you

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