CFP: 1st Asian Management and Entrepreneurship Workshop

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Sep 19 09:20:22 CEST 2008


The Workshop intends to provide a forum for research on a wide range of critical perspectives of Asian management and entrepreneurship. 

Our goal is to encourage general theory and empirical research to develop a knowledge base which will help us understand (a) Asian best management practices, 
(b) firm formation, as well as 
(c) the challenges on the global business world of these two momentous forces. 

As a result, the three Workshop tracks hold specific research questions and themes on which we welcome contributions: 

Tack 1: Asian Best Management Practices 

1. Specific sources of competitive advantage of established Asian firms. 
2. Knowledge creation, definition and diffusion in Asian organizations. 
3. Asian FDI and internalization strategies. 
4. Input based growth vs. efficiency based growth strategy formulation at Asian firms. 
5. Traditional management is a Western science: indications that management is becoming an Asian science. 
6. The modus operandi of the Chinese and Indian Diaspora; the value of guanxi, social and political networks. 
7. Asian operations: production methods, human resources, brand management, corporate culture, and business models. 
8. Asian firms from the top: their governance, decision-making and strategizing processes. 
9. How does the European market (and its economic and monetary union) affect strategy formulation of old and new Asian firms? 
10. Made in Japan, Made in Europe and Made in the US vs. Make in China and Made in India vs. Made Together. 

Track 2: The Factors of Asia's Entrepreneurial Energy and Momentum 

1. Creativity, values and innovation of new Asian firms. 
2. Survival rates, the cost of failure and performance. 
3. Formal and informal start-up capital: venture capital, business angels, family and friends. 
4. Women and entrepreneurship. 
5. Ethnicity and culture as firm founding motivations. 
6. Distinct biases and heuristics mediating entrepreneurship: Asian perceptions of business opportunities. 
7. Institutional elements and the structure of opportunity in Indian and Chinese entrepreneurship, and in Japanese non-entrepreneurship. 
8. Governance and management challenges of maturing start-ups. 
9. Entrepreneurship of last resort: images, myths and metaphors of Asian entrepreneurs. 
10. Entrepreneurship and economic development. 

Track 3: The Asian Business Challenge on the Global Economy 
1. The challenge of ownership structure; strategies and performance of family, public, and state-owned firms. 
2. Responses of established Western and Japanese firms to Chinese and Indian start-ups. 
3. Mercantilism, export-orientation and trade surpluses as destabilizing factors for markets and nations. 
4. Japan's 'lost decades' and its impact on Asia and the World. 
5. IPR protection structures, institutions and incentives of old and new firms. 
6. Subsidized foreign entry: national institutions and policy supporting the internationalization of Asian firms. 
7. Asian conglomerates and family firms: reorganization, governance, decentralization, minority shareholders, international partnerships and transparency. 
8. Old and new firm's contribution to environment degradation/protection. 
9. The Kaisha: Re-emergence, re-structuring and innovation. 
10. Indian high-tech service firms and their Western counterparts: cooperation and competition. 
We welcome empirical and conceptual papers. 

Those who are interested in presenting a paper should submit a paper (4,000 to 10,000 words) inclusive of all material (and a maximum total of 20 pages) 


an extended abstract (2,500 to 4,000 words) 

A separate front sheet is required and will include: (a) title of the paper; (b) the author(s) name and affiliation; (c) the abstract (200 words limit), and; (d) full contact information of all authors (mailing address, e-mail, telephone/mobile numbers) 


September 28, 2008  (new deadline !!)

More info at

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