ANNOUNCE: Ph.D. in Management

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Sep 18 17:29:29 CEST 2008

LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome offers 5 grants for the Ph.D. program in Management
Luiss - Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli - is an independent University ( was set up by a consortium of private and public companies that reorganised a pre-existing institution, Pro Deo, over the years 1974-1978. Anticipate change and build the future, training leaders in business, government, the professions and research: this is, in short, the University's mission.
The Ph.D. program aims to educate scholars in the field of management within a global scenario and with an international perspective. The program encompasses the following research areas:

 Strategic management 
 Marketing
 Business organization and organizational behavior
 Management and financing of technological innovation
 Management of information systems
 Corporate governance 
 International business
 Public management
The students enrolling in the program are expected to significantly contribute to the knowledge progress and research development within the managerial disciplines and to develop deep analytical skills to deal with complex business problems. They will be required to attend methodological and theoretical courses, which will be taught by LUISS faculty as well as internationally renowned professors from Italian and foreign Universities. Moreover, the students will be strongly encouraged to spend at least one semester in a primary foreign academic institution. 


Applicants must hold a Master degree or equivalent and have a working knowledge of English. Those who expect to earn a degree as above no later than November 30, 2008, will also be allowed to take part in the competition.
The application must enclose:

1.	a certificate of the GMAT or GRE test (eventually substituted by a written exam) 
2.	a certificate for the English language proficiency (eventually substituted by a test) 
3.	a copy of the master thesis 
4.	two letters of reference 
5.	scientific papers and publications, if any 
6.	further qualifications and achievements, if any 
7.	curriculum vitae. 
The selection will also require an interview to verify the research skills and potential of the candidate. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2008.
For further information, please refer to:
Prof. Paolo Boccardelli (pboccard at
Prof. Raffaele Oriani (roriani at
Post-Doc Fellow  Maria Isabella Leone (mleone at
Post-Doc Fellow  Matteo De Angelis (mdeangelis at

Ph.D. Program Coordinator: 
Paolo Boccardelli, Associate Professor in Strategy

Ph.D. Program Tutors: 
Maria Isabella Leone, Ph.D. in Management
Matteo De Angelis, Ph.D. in Management

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