POSITIONS: University of Ottawa

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Wed Nov 21 17:06:20 CET 2007

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
Sectoral and regional innovation systems in emerging technology sectors
Deadline: 15 December 2007

The Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, Canada, has
a postdoctoral position available in the project 'Sectoral and regional
perspectives on innovation in Ontario: theoretical perspectives,
empirical studies and policy implications'. The project is funded partly
by the Ministry of Research and Innovation in Ontario and the University
of Ottawa.

The project seeks to better understand the innovation system in emerging
technology industries (drivers of innovation, knowledge creation,
diffusion and exploitation, networks, systemic influences), the role of
knowledge infrastructure in supporting these industries, and the
institutional conditions which affect the success, or failure, of
efforts by policy makers to develop appropriate governance models for
implementing regional and sectoral innovation strategies in relation
with these industries.

The position is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Research and
Innovation and the University of Ottawa. The position is available as of
March. 1, 2008. Applicants should hold a doctoral degree in Economics,
Economic Geography or related fields; have a good quantitative and
qualitative methodological background and genuine interest in carrying
out active research; excellent English skills; demonstrated ability to
publish in peerreviewed journals; experience and interest in regional
and sectoral innovation systems issues.

The post-doctoral research fellowship is for a period of 12 months
beginning approximately in January 2008 or soon after (an extension by
up to one additional year is possible). Please submit your application,
including a letter of motivation, detailed CV, and articles and\or
academic papers by 15 December 2007 to:

David Doloreux, Telfer School of Management
University of Ottawa
55 Laurier East
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5

Questions concerning this position may be directed to Dr David Doloreux
by email:
Doloreux at telfer.uottawa.ca or by telephone (+1 613 562-5800 ext. 4730).

Source: http://www.ecsb.org/doc/PostDoc.pdf

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