TOC: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Vol. 19 #6

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Wed Nov 21 17:06:22 CET 2007

Table of Contents - Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
Volume 19 Issue 6 2007

'Entrepreneuring' as a conceptual attractor? A review of process theories in 20 years of entrepreneurship studies
Pages 453 et seqq.
Chris Steyaert

The moral space in entrepreneurship: an exploration of ethical imperatives and the moral legitimacy of being enterprising
Pages 479 et seqq.
Alistair R. Anderson; Robert Smith

Entrepreneurship, discourses and conscientization in processes of regional development
Pages 499 et seqq.
Karin Berglund; Anders W. Johansson

Interstanding the industrial district: contrasting conceptual images as a road to insight
Pages 527 et seqq.
Bengt Johannisson;  Leonardo Centeno Caffarena;  Allan Fernando Discua Cruz;  Mircea Epure;  Esther Hormiga Pérez;  Magdalena Kapelko;  Karen Murdock;  Douglas Nanka-Bruce;  Martina Olejárová;  Alizabeth Sanchez Lopez;  Antti Sekki;  Maria-Cristina Stoian;  Henrik Tötterman; Angelo Bisignano

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