CFP: ICSB 2008

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Sep 26 14:17:38 CEST 2007

Call for Papers - 2008 ICSB World Conference
22-25 June 2008 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Deadline: January 18, 2008

Abstract Guidelines
* Abstracts should not exceed two (2) single-spaced pages.
* Academic paper abstracts should clearly state the aim of the study,
methods used, results obtained and conclusions reached for SMEs and
entrepreneurship. Abstracts should include title of paper, name(s) of
author(s), affiliation, and full contact details.
* Workshop and case study proposals should clearly link to the themes of
the conference. Proposal abstracts must include: topic, name of workshop
leader (with full contact details), names of workshop panelists, and a
brief description of what the workshop will cover.
* All abstracts are to be submitted electronically on the 2008 ICSB
website at The online submission site will open on
September 30, 2007 and will close on January 18, 2008.
* All submissions will be acknowledged by email.
* The official languages of the conference are English and French.
Abstracts may be submitted in either of these two languages.

Key Dates

September 30, 2007
Online abstract submission site open

January 18, 2008
Submission deadline for abstracts

March 21, 2008
E-mail notification of acceptance of abstract

April 30, 2008
Deadline for early conference registration - registration deadline for
those submitting an accepted paper or workshop proposal

May 2, 2008
Receipt of 100 word summary and full paper in publication format

Best Paper Awards
The ICSB 2008 Conference will present Best Paper Awards based on the
nominations for Award Candidates in each Track.

Pre-Conference Policy Forum
A Pre-Conference Policy Forum will be held on Friday, June 20th

More info at

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