REMINDER: The Interface of Strategy, Innovation, and Growth (IJTM)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Oct 1 12:50:08 CEST 2007

Call for papers - International Journal of Technology Management  (IJTM)
Special Issue on: "The Interface of Strategy, Innovation, and Growth - Organisational Behaviour in Technology-Oriented Ventures and SMEs"
Guest Editors: Dr. Andreas Kuckertz, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany and Dr. Marko Kohtamäki, University of Vaasa, Finland
Deadline: 1 November 2007

Technology oriented ventures and successful small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are usually considered to be important actors in every economy worldwide. However, while the majority of research focusing on such ventures and SMEs aims at explaining the emergence of new organisations and the attainment of lasting competitive advantages in established SMEs, less attention has been paid to factors influencing the growth of such technology-oriented organisations in the long run. Continuous innovation and superior strategic position-ing most certainly play a major role to explain this phenomenon.

This special issue aims at providing a forum for the discussion of the above mentioned topics. We invite papers with different theoretical concepts and methods, in order to assemble a rich, vibrant and multi-faceted special issue, bringing together diverse perspectives. Theoretical contributions will be considered as well as empirical papers. We particularly welcome case research, theory-building qualitative research, and theory-testing quantitative research approaches.

Subject Coverage

Possible papers suitable for this special issue of IJTM address for instance (but are not limited to) the subsequent topics.
* Organisational behaviour of growing technology oriented ventures and SMEs
* The role of internal champions in technology oriented ventures and SMEs
* Methods of aligning exploitative and explorative tasks in growing technology oriented ventures and SMEs (ambidextrous management)
* The role of strategic alliances in explaining organisational growth in technology oriented ventures and SMEs
* The role of resource-based strategies and resource complementarity in explaining external organisational growth in technology oriented ventures and SMEs
* Strategy processes in technology oriented ventures

Notes for Intending Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are refereed through a peer review process.

Important Dates

Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 1 November 2007
Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors: 1 January 2008
Submission of final manuscript: 1 March 2008

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to the following:

Dr. Andreas Kuckertz
University of Duisburg-Essen
Department of Economics
E-Business & E-Entrepreneurship Research Group
Universitaetsstr. 9
45141 Essen
Tel: +49(0)201 183 2826
E-mail: andreas.kuckertz at

Marko Kohtamäki, D.Sc. (Econ.)
University of Vaasa
Department of Management
65101 Vaasa
Tel: +358(0)45 120 2901
E-mail: marko.kohtamaki at

with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office
E-mail: ijtm at

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor.

More info at

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