CFP: Cyberentrepreneurship (IJBSR)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Mar 5 10:08:59 CET 2007

From: Christian Serarols Tarrés [mailto:Christian.Serarols at] 
Date: Fri 2 March 2007 15:49


Special Issue on: "The new era of Cyberentrepreneurship and New Technology-Based Firms"
Guest Editors: Dr. Christian Serarols, Dr. David Urbano and Andrea Bikfalvi 


ISSN (Print): 1751-200X 
ISSN (Online): 1751-2018

Aims and objectives

Since the late 1990's, growing attention is being devoted by economists and policy makers to entrepreneurship, new technology-based firms (NTBFs) and Internet-based firms. The reason may be traced to the evidence that small and new firms account for a substantial share of the new jobs created in developed countries. In addition, the view has been rapidly gaining ground that high-growth start-ups, especially those operating in high-tech industries and Internet, play a crucial role for the renewal of the economic system. In particular, they are believed to provide the innovation-based competitive advantage in key sectors of the so-called "new economy" such as software and E-commerce. 

Additionally, in recent years, the spinning-off of university-based scientific inventions into separate companies represents a potentially important and increasingly utilised option to create wealth from the commercialisation of research. Such view is corroborated by the success stories of Infoseek, Intel, 3Com, Google, Yahoo, and other Internet and NTBFs outfits. However, there are important differences between spin-offs from universities and new technology based firms. These differences generally concern the environment and research policies in which spin-offs are created and the entrepreneurs involved in their creation. The university environment raises a number of potential issues. For example, as universities have traditionally been non-commercially oriented various organisational barriers may be erected to frustrate the development of entrepreneurship

The concern that the European Union is behind the US in terms of venture creation in NTBFs triggered a policy-oriented research effort aimed at analysing factors that favour or inhibit the birth of NTBFs and Internet-based firms. Recent literature on this topic has shown that there are significant differences on how NTBFs use Information Technologies and create value in their organisations. Other scholars have found significant differences on the profile of the entrepreneurs that create NTBFs and other Internet-based firms and the process of firm creation in comparison to more traditional entrepreneurs. Other researchers focus on the institutional environment and its influence on the emergence of an entrepreneurial spirit and culture, and the rate of entrepreneurial activity. They state that certain countries, regions and cities have created environments and a flourishing entrepreneurial economy while others have not.

Accordingly, this special issue of the journal will focus on research into NTBF, specially, on how Information Technologies and the entrepreneur influence the creation, development and growth of such firms. Additionally, a second aim of this special issue is to analyse the main institutional factors/constraints (legislation, public policy, social values, norms and habits) that foster and explain the creation of NTBFs.

Subject coverage

- The economics of NTFBs, university-based and Internet-based firms
- The job market created by NTFBs, university-based and Internet-based firms
- The global impact of Information Technologies on NTFBs, university-based and Internet-based firms' organizational structures and processes
- Collaborative learning, training, management and work in NTFBs, university-based and Internet-based firms
- Similarities and differences between Cyberentrepreneurs, high-technology entrepreneurs and traditional entrepreneurs
- Organisational similarities and differences between NTFBs, university-based spin-offs and Internet-based firms
- Virtual enterprises and Cyberentrepreneurship
- The effectiveness of Incubators and Science Parks in the creation of NTBFs, university-based spin-offs and Internet-based firms
- Funding issues relating to NTBFs, university-based and Internet-based firms
- Process of  NTBFs, university-based spin-off and Internet-based firm creation
- The management problems of NTBFs, university-based spin-offs and Internet-based firms at different stages in their evolution
- The role of the founders 
- The influence of regulation on new firm creation (NTBFs, university-based spin-offs and Internet-based firms)
- How does legislation and public policy affect the entrepreneurial activity of NTBFs, university-based spin-offs and Internet-based firms?
- The macro-economic environment, levels of economic development and rate of entrepreneurial activity in the knowledge economy 
- Regional and local policy and entrepreneurship. 
- The role of the University in business creation in the knowledge economy
- Spinning-off companies from research institutions
- Institutional environment and the emergence of clusters of NTBFs, university-based spin-offs and Internet-based firms
- Culture (social values, norms and habits) and entrepreneurship. 
- Legal issues, taxation and property rights;
- All other related issues that impact the overall utilisation and management of Information Technologies in NTBFs, university-based spin-offs and Internet-based firms

Submission of papers

Full paper deadline September 15, 2007
Notification of acceptance and review results November 15, 2007
Revised submission deadline January 15, 2008
Notification of acceptance March 15, 2008
Camera-ready version deadline July 15, 2008
Special Issue September 15, 2008

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the format requirements of the International Journal of Business and Systems Research. Please note that all manuscripts submitted for review should be in MS Word, double-spaced throughout, and should have an abstract of no more than 150 words. Abstracts should provide a short introduction to the topic, an outline of the research methodology and a summary of the findings. No preference will be given to articles adopting any particular research paradigm. In particular, the complete addresses, fax/phone numbers and e-mail addresses of the author(s) should be indicated only on the cover page. Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The special issue will include 8 articles of between 5,000 and 7,000 words each.

A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting manuscripts are available on the Papers Submission section under Author Guidelines ( Please submit the paper by email as an attachment to andrea.bikfalvi at, copied to christian.serarols at (Subject: IJBSR Special Issue Submission). You will normally receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours. Please provide email addresses for all authors.

Review Process

Each paper submitted to Inderscience Enterprises Limited is subject to the following review procedures:
1. It is reviewed by the guest editors for general suitability for this publication.
2. If it is judged suitable, two reviewers are selected and a double-blind review process takes place. 
3. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the guest editors then decide whether the particular article should be accepted as it is, revised or rejected.

Dr. Christian Serarols, Dr. David Urbano and Andrea Bikfalvi
Special Issue Editors of IJBSR
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Phone: + 34 935 811 209
E-mail: christian.serarols at

For more details, please visit: 

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