TOC: Journal of Business Venturing Vol. 22 #3

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Mar 5 10:08:59 CET 2007

Table of Contents - Journal of Business Venturing
Volume 22, Issue 3, 2007

Are entrepreneurs' decisions more biased? An experimental investigation of the susceptibility to status quo bias
Pages 340-362
Katrin Burmeister and Christian Schade

Don't rest on your laurels: Reputational change and young technology-based ventures
Pages 363-387
A. Rebecca Reuber and Eileen Fischer

Managing radical innovation: The importance of specialized knowledge in the biotech revolution
Pages 388-411
Marc T. Junkunc

Transaction cost entrepreneurship
Pages 412-426
Steven C. Michael

Entrepreneurial rents and the theory of the firm☆
Pages 427-442
Sharon A. Alvarez

Contextualizing theory building in entrepreneurship research
Pages 443-452
Shaker A. Zahra

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