POSITIONS: University of Minnesota

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Wed Jan 24 13:42:24 CET 2007

University of Minnesota
Tenure Track Position in Entrepreneurship & Small Business Mgmt  
Job Code 9901  

Terminal degree or ABD in entrepreneurship, business, or related
academic discipline; experience as an entrepreneur as a manager or owner
of a small enterprise; strong communication skills; ability to relate
complex concepts to diverse audiences; and commitment to a polytechnic
educational philosophy within the scope of the land grant mission.

Ph.D. in a field related to entrepreneurship or business administration;
experience as an entrepreneur as an owner of a successful enterprise;
and teaching experience at the college level or in comparable extension,
continuing education, or agency capacity.

Provide program leadership in entrepreneurship and small business
management; teach courses in entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, and
management; develop an appropriate research and/or outreach program in
candidate's area of expertise; advise undergraduate students in
entrepreneurship and SBM and other business management degree programs;
develop working relationships with organizations and businesses to
assist with internship and permanent job placement; work collaboratively
with an interdisciplinary faculty whose focus is on the practical
application of knowledge and business technology; and scholarly activity
appropriate for a tenure-track position.

Program/Unit Description
The University of Minnesota, Crookston (UMC) is a rural campus
positioned in northwestern Minnesota. Approximately 400 students are
enrolled in the Business Department with degree options in: marketing,
management, accounting, manufacturing, hospitality, sports and
recreational management, and business aviation management. UMC offers a
unique blend of polytechnic baccalaureate degree programs that focus on
active learning experiences for students as well as research and service
in support of rural economic and community development. Visit the UMC
web site at http://www.umcrookston.edu for additional information.

POSITION: Nine-month tenure track position in Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Management within the Business Department at the Crookston
campus of the University of Minnesota starting August 21, 2006.

Application Instructions and more info at

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