CFP: Literature Survey Forum: Context and Topic Areas in the Field of Entrepreneurship (IEMJ)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Jan 25 12:47:13 CET 2007

IEMJ International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
Literature Survey Forum: Context and Topic Areas in the Field of

Forum Editor: Professor Gary J. Castrogiovanni
Craig School of Business Administration
California State University, Fresno

The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal (IEMJ) invites
authors to submit literature review articles focusing on particular
context and topic areas in the field of entrepreneurship, broadly
defined.  The articles should be high-impact scholarly surveys of
important research in the context or topic areas. They should summarize
recent research, delineate and explain the central issues, and highlight
important directions for future inquiries.

These review articles will be published in a Literature Survey Forum
within the regular issues of IEMJ, on an ongoing basis.  Review articles
may pertain to any context or topic areas within the field of
entrepreneurship.  Such context areas include but are not limited to:

* New Independent Ventures
* New Corporate Ventures
* Franchising
* Small Business Management
* Family-Owned Businesses
* International Entrepreneurship
* Entrepreneurship in the Non-Profit Sector
* Technology Ventures

Potential topic areas suitable for review articles include but are not
limited to:

* Opportunity Recognition Processes
* Entrepreneurial Orientation
* Business Creation Processes
* Venture Growth and Development
* Ecological Impacts on New Business Formation
* New Venture Financing
* Entrepreneurship Training and Education
* Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

Inquiries and paper submissions should be directed to Professor Gary
Castrogiovanni (garycas at  The email subject line should
state "IEMJ Literature Survey Forum."  All submissions will go through
the regular double-blind review process, with turnaround time currently
averaging less than 45 days.  Submissions should follow the IEMJ style
guidelines, available at

Gary Castrogiovanni (gcastrogiovanni at
California State University, Fresno

More info at

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