CFP: The Growth and Development of New and Young Media Firms (JoMBS)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Aug 23 12:18:46 MESZ 2006

From: Welter, Friederike [mailto:welter at] 
Date: Wed 23 Aug 2006 09:03

Journal of Media Business Studies
Call for Manuscript Proposals
Special Issue: The Growth and Development of New and Young Media Firms
Deadline: 15 October 2006

The Journal of Media Business Studies (JoMBS) is seeking contributions for a special issue focused on empirical and conceptual developments in the field of the growth and development of new and young media firms. There has been considerable interest in the role of new and young media firms, not least for their roles in transforming industries and challenging incumbents. However, most academic research on media firms has been carried out on large, established media organizations. In order to understand the underlying dynamics of the media industry, more knowledge in areas that concern the growth and development of new and young media firms, such as drivers of and barriers to growth and change, sources of competitive advantage, start-up processes, managing innovation, governing relationships with established firm, and entrepreneurial leadership, is needed.

In this winter 2007 special issue we are keen to attract papers that (a) develop new theoretical perspectives on the growth and development of new and young media firms and/or (b) include empirical work that is intentionally designed to focus on these issues. Empirical studies can be of a quantitative and/or qualitative nature. The theoretical focus should be based on the management or entrepreneurship literature.

We are seeking to publish a collection of high quality papers spanning multiple areas and disciplines within a unified volume. Consequently, papers submitted for consideration should address traditional and emergent themes, inform our theoretical understanding, and have implications for practice.
Authors selected for the special issue will be funded to participate in a workshop in Stockholm in the spring of 2007 to further develop their manuscripts. Interested authors are encouraged to submit executive summaries (max. 1500 words, with focus on the key message and academic contribution of the work and including references). Summaries should be submitted by attached MS-Word file.

Send proposals to the issue guest editor: Alexander McKelvie, Department of Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Management, Jönköping International Business School, P.O. Box 1026, 551 11 Jönköping, Sweden, mcal at Deadline for submissions of proposals is 15 October 2006.

Invitation for full papers for the workshop and special issue will be based on the submitted outlines. Completed papers will be reviewed in a "development manner" and discussed at the workshop. Revised papers will then be reviewed for final selection by the guest editor. Submissions should be original work that has not previously been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors should follow regular JoMBS guidelines, as published in every issue of the journal and at the journal's website:

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