CFP: Prowess 4th Annual Int. Conf. on Women's Enterprise Development

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Aug 24 09:22:54 MESZ 2006

Call for Research Papers 
'Backing Winners: the Dead Cert for an Enterprising Nation' 
Prowess 4th Annual International Conference on Women's Enterprise
Development Brighton, 7-8 February, 2007
Deadline for abstracts: 15 October 2006

Key Themes:
Communication/Marketing/Making Enterprise Appeal to Women  
Targeting/Hitting/Making and Sustaining the Market

Guidelines for Abstract Submission:
Authors are invited to submit one page abstracts in accordance with the
template available from by 15th
October 2006. They will be informed about the acceptance of the papers
by 31st October 2006. Authors of accepted abstracts are asked to prepare
and submit their formal papers in the required format by 15th December
2006 at the latest. Presentation of the paper is subject to at least one
author having registered and paid the appropriate fees to attend the
Conference by 15th December 2006 as well. 

The Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to:
muhammad.roomi at The filename should be the first author's
surname, (i.e. horton.doc) saved in MSWord.

Papers will be presented as part of the research strand of the
conference. For more information go to

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