entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Jul 14 09:23:28 MESZ 2006

Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship - ASBE 2006
Call for Papers
ASBE invites you to submit competitive papers for our Fall Conference.
ASBE will be meeting in Corpus Christi, Texas, November 1-3, 2006.
Deadline for receipt of all submissions is August 1, 2006.

Please submit electronically to Dr. Martin Bressler: mbressler at

Paper Submission Instructions:

* Competitive papers should be typed, double-spaced and not exceed 20
pages in length, exclusive of references and appendices. Electronic
submission is encouraged.
* A separate title page should include the title of the paper, name(s),
affiliation(s), and full contact information for all authors.
* The body of the paper should contain a second cover page without any
author identification.
* A 150-word abstract with no author identification should be placed on
the third page
* Submitted papers shall not have been published previously.
* At least one author of the paper shall join ASBE, register for and
attend the meeting and personally present their paper at the meeting.
* The Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship will be given
first and full credit as publisher for all papers presented at the
Annual Meeting. Any paper that has been presented previously or is
scheduled for another presentation will be rejected.

Panels, Symposia, and Small Business Institute type cases shall also be
considered. Panels and symposia may be up to 5 pages in length.

ASBE will publish all successful papers in the Proceedings for the Fall
Meeting. Authors will be provided with manuscript preparation
instructions subsequent to acceptance of their papers for the

$1,000 Doctoral Student Prize for best paper sponsored by
Irwin/McGraw-Hill (student author must present at conference)

* BEST PAPER. There will continue to be best paper awards. These papers
will also be published in the Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship.
* BEST REVIEWER. The best reviewer shall also be recognized with an
award based upon the developmental nature of their reviews, timeliness,
and completeness.

Reviewer? | Discussant? | Track Chair?
Let me know of your interest in serving ASBE in any of these capacities.
Dr. Martin Bressler
mbressler at

More info at


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