CFP: Research and Technology Commercialization (JMS)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Jul 13 10:16:30 MESZ 2006

Call for Papers
Special Issue of the Journal of Management Studies
Research and Technology Commercialization
Deadline: Feb 1, 2007

Guest Editors
Gideon Markman, University of Georgia 
Harry Sapienza, University of Minnesota
Donald Siegel, University of California at Riverside 
Mike Wright, University of Nottingham

The commercialization of knowledge-research and technology-is evolving
into an ecology of complex organizational interactions, including
processes encompassing both private and public institutions.  Research
joint ventures, strategic alliances, and licensing agreements involving
universities and firms, as well as the formation of start-up companies
linked to science and technology, embody this trend.  We have also
witnessed the emergence of new organizational forms to promote research
and technology commercialization, such as technology transfer offices,
science parks, incubators, and industry-university cooperative research
centers.  These developments have critical managerial and policy
implications.  The proposed special issue will contain papers that
address these issues. 

Sample research questions include, but are not limited to: 
*	How are discoveries developed and transferred across
organizations?  How do new discoveries made by one institution fill
knowledge gaps in another?  
*	Which knowledge-based factors are central to the processes of
creation and appropriation of discoveries?  Do appropriation, joint
development and commercialization of discoveries interact with regional
agglomeration, clustering, or social embeddedness?   
*	How do different environments affect the transfer of proprietary
technologies from one organization to another?  What is the relative
importance of different aspects of knowledge (or their absence) on
interactive learning? 
*	What are the political and cultural implications of
appropriation, transfer, and commercialization of discoveries? 
*	What is the role of risk and learning in appropriation,
transfer, and commercialization of discoveries? How do individuals,
groups, and organizations deal with failure in order to learn and to be
more successful in future commercialization?  When is appropriation,
transfer, or commercialization of discoveries desirable and when does it
lead to diminishing returns or unintended harm?  

Manuscripts must be received by February 1, 2007.  Authors should
prepare manuscripts in accordance with the journal's guidelines.
Authors whose papers receive a revise and re-submit will be invited to a
special developmental workshop in late September 2007.  All submissions
will be blind-reviewed, using JMS's normal review process and selection
criteria.  Please submit manuscripts in a Word-compatible format
electronically to gmarkman at, sapie001 at,
donald.siegel at, or mike.wright at  Questions may
be addressed to any of the special issue editors.

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