CFP: Foresight, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Symposium @ 4th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue May 23 12:54:32 MESZ 2006

From: Allan O'Connor [mailto:aoc at] 
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 09:52

Dear colleagues,

You are likely to have recently received notice of the upcoming 4th AGSE
International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. You should be also be
aware that the conference has two opportunities for double blind peer
reviewed journal articles; one in The International Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Small Business and the other in The Journal of
Futures Studies.

As part of the Exchange a special symposium will run on foresight,
innovation and entrepreneurship and from the papers in this stream up to
ten (10) will be invited to submit their work for publication in the
Journal of Futures Studies.

Below is a call for papers and an outline of the symposium. Hope we can
see you there!


Allan O'Connor  Mb (0438) 361 442

SME Innovations
Mail: PO Box 7700 Middle Camberwell Australia 3124
Ph: +61 3 9836 1442
Fx: +61 3 9830 0201 


Journal of Futures Studies - Special Issue

Invitation to submit articles on foresight, innovation and
entrepreneurship (FI&E)

Globalisation and rapid modernisation is increasingly creating the need
for social reflexivity in respect to the production and diffusion of
innovations, both social and technical, within a landscape of widening
change horizons and ethical concerns. This arises as a consequence of
the dramatic effects of innovation on the modern world, its influence on
social and ecological systems, and the implication innovations have on
our futures. A new intellectual alliance between FI&E is now a matter of
human survival. How and what we innovate, the enterprises we choose to
create and the influence of infrastructure for generating
entrepreneurship will combine to greatly impact human sustainability in
the 21st century.  This special issue will bring together
cross-disciplinary research aimed at finding new synergies between
foresight, innovation and entrepreneurship (FI&E).

Articles that are empirically based are preferred however conceptual
works well grounded in the literature will be considered. A possible
range of topics might address such issues as:

. The link between emerging social innovations and social foresight  
. How foresight can inform social, technological and market responsive
. State based foresight and innovation within geographic and political
. Case studies linking foresight, innovation and entrepreneurship 
. Consequences (diffusion) research as foresight
. Issues of venture planning and growth arising from foresight practices
. Technology and/or venture impact assessment issues (ecological, social
and economic)
. Innovation/entrepreneurship and alternative futures
. Foresight for start-up and growth enterprise
. Global risk and expanding uncertainty horizons
. New innovation frontiers 
. Eco innovation & eco entrepreneurship
. Foresight and the influence on opportunity and venture evaluation

The special issue will be drawn from the Foresight & Innovation stream
at the 2007 AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. In conjunction with
the Exchange a special symposium will be conducted and an award is
proposed for the best paper in this stream. Essay or journal length
articles will be invited for publication in the style and referencing
format of the journal. The special issue will consist of up to 10
articles of acceptable publishable length (essays 1500-3000 words and
journal articles 5000-7000 words) refereed through double blind review.
A panel of four referees will review the papers with two from the field
of futures studies and two from entrepreneurship.

Preliminary Timeline and Schedule Dates (exact dates to be confirmed).

*         Promotion commences at the AGSE Entrepreneurship Research
Exchange 8-10th February 2006, Auckland New Zealand.
*         900 word abstracts due 1st July 2006
*         Acceptance notified 1st August 2006
*         Full papers due 1st November 2006
*         Foresight, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Symposium -
Brisbane, Australia, AGSE ERE February 2007
*         Notification of selected papers for publication by May 2007.
*         Publication in the Journal of Futures Studies November 2007.

Journal co-editors will be: Jose Ramos jose at & Allan
O'Connor aoconnor at

We look forward to receiving submissions and drawing together an
alliance between these two dynamic and progressive fields of research.

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