TOC: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Vol. 18 #3

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed May 24 09:14:44 MESZ 2006

Table of Contents - Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
Volume 18, Issue 3 2006

Owner-managers, clusters and local embeddedness: small firms in the Sheffield (UK) metal-working cluster
Pages 185 et seqq.
H. Doug Watts, Andrew M. Wood, Perry Wardle

Why are some Spanish manufacturing firms internationalizing rapidly? The role of business and institutional international networks
Pages 207 et seqq.
José A Belso-Martínez

Regional development and sources of superior performance across textile and IT sectors in Taiwan
Pages 227 et seqq.
Yi-Min Chen, Feng-Jyh Lin

Entrepreneurship: the missing ingredient in China's STIPs?
Pages 249 et seqq.
Lorraine Watkins-Mathys, M. John Foster

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