CFP: Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Agenda for the 21st Century

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Apr 10 09:45:32 MESZ 2006

Call for Papers - Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Agenda for the 21st
12th January 2007 to 14th January 2007
Deadline: 31st October 2006

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, one of the most technology
intensive campuses in India, is organising an international conference
on Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Agenda for the 21st Century.
Academic scholars, doctoral students and others interested in
entrepreneurship related research, entrepreneurs and policy makers are
invited to attend the conference.

Dates: 12th January 2007 to 14th January 2007
Venue: Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, INDIA

The conference is Co-sponsored by the Center for Closely Held Firms at
the Sellinger School of Business and Management, Loyola College in
Maryland, USA.


The conference is organized around the broad theme of Entrepreneurship
and Innovation. We also encourage papers on innovation in social
entrepreneurship as well as new directions in entrepreneurial education
in emerging nations.


The three-day program consists of:

* Presentation of submitted papers
* Keynote addresses
* Mediated open discussions
* Business plan presentations
* Half-day Sightseeing 


* Entrepreneurship and innovation
* Social entrepreneurship
* Entrepreneurial finance
* Entrepreneurial marketing
* Women and entrepreneurship
* Strategies for growth
* Globalisation and the entrepreneur
* Entrepreneur and the state 

Call for papers:

We welcome previously unpublished papers as well as case studies that
address general/theoretical concepts and issues in the field of
entrepreneurship. All submissions will be peer reviewed. Papers can be
either conceptual or empirical. At least one author must attend the

Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and a
few selected papers will be published in "Vilakshan", The XIMB Journal
of Management.

Papers are to be submitted only via email and in Word file format.

* Last date for submission of papers and cases is 31st October 2006
* Authors will be notified of the acceptance by 24th November 2006
* Conference dates: 12-14 January 2007 

Conference fee:

The conference fee is Rs 7500/- per person for Indian participants and
US$ 200/- per person for foreign participants and includes:

* All sessions during the conference including presentations, keynote
addresses, discussions, and business plan presentations.
* Twin sharing a/c accommodation with attached bath, cable TV and high
speed internet connectivity (Conference fees for single room
accommodations are at Rs. 10,000/- or US$ 250/- per person).
* All breakfasts, lunches and dinners during the conference.
* Conference supplies and materials including Proceedings either in CD
or paper format.
* Half-day sightseeing to World famous temples of Puri and Konark.


Contact :

Prof. Rajeev Roy,
Coordinator, Centre for Entrepreneurship XIMB
Xavier Institute of Management
Xavier Square, Bhubaneswar
PIN 751013
Tel: +91 674 2300007, extn.: 569
Fax: +91 674 2300995
Email: entrepreneur at

More info at

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