TOC: JBV Vol. 21 # 3

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Fri Apr 7 10:01:12 MESZ 2006

Table of Contents - Journal of Business Venturing
Volume 21, Issue 3, 2006

Raising the returns to venture finance
Pages 265-285
Charles Baden-Fuller, Alison Dean, Peter McNamara and Bill Hilliard

Entrepreneurship as the nexus of individual and opportunity: A structuration view
Pages 286-305
Yolanda Sarason, Tom Dean and Jesse F. Dillard

Entrepreneurial alliances as contractual forms
Pages 306-325
Jeffrey J. Reuer, Africa Ariño and Thomas Mellewigt

Effects of relational capital and commitment on venture capitalists' perception of portfolio company performance
Pages 326-347
Dirk De Clercq and Harry J. Sapienza

The paradox for the family firm CEO: Owner age relationship to succession-related processes and plans
Pages 348-368
James P. Marshall, Ritch Sorenson, Keith Brigham, Elizabeth Wieling, Alan Reifman and Richard S. Wampler

Agency risk control through reprisal
Pages 369-384
Qing Lu, Peter Hwang and Clement K. Wang

The risk concept for entrepreneurs reconsidered: New challenges to the conventional wisdom
Pages 385-400
Jay J. Janney and Gregory G. Dess

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