CFP: Regional Helix Conference 2016 | Innovation-Entrepreneurship-Competitiveness

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Nov 9 20:12:15 CET 2015

From: Luís Farinha [mailto:luis.farinha at] 
Date: Fri 6 Nov 2015 19:03

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

We have the pleasure of announcing:

The Regional Helix 2016  []

An International Conference on Regional Triple Helix Dynamics
"The Challenges of Triple Helix Interactions on Less Favoured Regions"

To be held from the 29th of June to the 1st of July, at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal.

The conference encompasses a broad spectrum Triple Helix related subjects. It is devoted to discussion of current research and applications regarding basic directions of Triple Helix development directions. 

Focus: Innovation | Entrepreneurship | Territorial Competitiveness
>> Boosting innovation, entrepreneurship and competitiveness in regional triple helix spaces

Sectors and smart specialisation: Agriculture - Forest - Tourism - Mechatronics - Health & Wellness - Creative Industries -  Biotechnology  - Energy - Higher Education

>> A space for interaction between entrepreneurs, academics, policy makers and technologists

>> Regional HELIX Conference 2016 | Triple Helix Exhibition | Challenge to entrepreneurial ideas

Publication opportunities in journals of recognized international prestige.

We thank all the broadcasting of this event throughout your contact networks.
Thank you very much

Best wishes

The Organizing Committee

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