CFP: Kauffman Foundation Call for Proposals: Measuring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Mar 20 16:19:07 CET 2015

From: Alex Krause [mailto:akrause at] 
Date: Tue 17 Mar 2015 21:35

The Kauffman Foundation is soliciting grant proposals to investigate how best to measure an entrepreneurial ecosystem, and what kinds of data can be developed, improved, or used to that end.  Questions of particular interest (although we are open to other suggestions) include:

.         What new data sources can or should be developed to help measure entrepreneurial ecosystems? How can locally-based municipal and non-traditional data sources be better integrated into overall ecosystem measurement?
.         What other theoretical frameworks might be useful in measuring entrepreneurial ecosystems? (Note that these are not necessarily the same as the traditional innovation systems).
.         How can cities or regions measure their progress as an entrepreneurial ecosystem over long periods of time?
.         How well does each of the indicators (density, fluidity, connectivity, and diversity) suggested in the Kauffman white paper actually measure entrepreneurial vibrancy?  We welcome equally proposals arguing against, supporting, or arguing for alterations to these indicators.
.         Are there any specific programs or policies that encourage local entrepreneurial ecosystems, and which indicators or measurement systems should we use to assess their impact? (These may include indicators for assessments of feasibility, utility and efficacy.)

Grants will be made to research institutions and universities; the Foundation will not fund individuals directly. Funding is restricted to institutions located within the United States. Research teams may be comprised of individuals not based in the U.S., but a U.S. institution must be the grant recipient. We will not fund indirect costs.

Submission Format and Guidelines:
Proposals should be submitted electronically to Jordan Bell-Masterson at jbell-masterson at
Questions can be directed to Jordan Bell-Masterson at jbell-masterson at

Deadline for submissions: May 20, 2015, 5:00pm CT.

For full posting, visit:

Thank you,

Alex Krause
Research & Policy
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
4801 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, MO 64110
Tel. 816-932-1123
akrause at

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