CFP: Workshop: Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2015), Deadline: March 1st

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Feb 17 17:32:47 CET 2015

Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Workshop, June 2nd and 3rd 2015, Universität Trier (Germany)

Call for Papers

Aim and Topics
The aim of the workshop is to discuss recent rigorous papers related to the economics of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Topics include (but are not limited) to:
o Appropriation of innovation rents
o Decision making of entrepreneurs
o Economic theory of entrepreneurship
o Economics of family firms
o Entrepreneurial finance
o Entrepreneurship and economic psychology
o Entrepreneurship and industrial organization
o Entrepreneurship and labor economics
o Entrepreneurship, innovation and economic geography
o Experimental entrepreneurship
o Firm entry, survival and growth
o Innovation, technological change and economic development
o Occupational choice, determinants of entrepreneurship
o Patents, trademarks and innovation rents

Guest Speakers (as of January 2015)
o Massimo Colombo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
o Douglas Cumming, York University, Canada
o Jay Ritter, University of Florida, USA
o Roy Thurik, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
o Silvio Vismara, University of Bergamo, Italy

Submission Deadline
March 1st, 2015. Interested researchers are invited to submit a full paper to entrepreneurship2015 at<mailto:entrepreneurship2015 at>. Notifications on acceptance: not later than March 30th, 2015.

SBE Special Issue New Trends in Entrepreneurial Finance
Researchers in the area of entrepreneurial finance are invited to send their paper to a special issue of Small Business Economics (SBE). The workshop is meant to improve the quality of submissions to the special issue. Further information can be found here:

Registration Deadline
May 1st, 2015. The workshop fee is EUR 150, which covers the workshop package, meals, refreshments and coffee breaks as well as the conference dinner. Further information on the workshop will be made available on the workshop web page:<>.

Prof. Dr. Jörn Block
Universitätsring 15, 54296 Trier, Germany
Tel.: +49 651 201 3030, Fax: +49 651 201 3029
entrepreneurship2015 at<mailto:entrepreneurship2015 at><>

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