REMINDER: Abstract submissions for the 2015 Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Doctoral Consortium

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Feb 17 11:49:51 CET 2015

From: Fabian Eggers [mailto:fabian.eggers at] 
Date: Sat 14 Feb 2015 21:26

The abstract submission deadline for the 2015 Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship is two weeks away!
Two page abstract submissions are due on March 1. Authors will be notified around April 1st (final papers are due July 1).

All topics that concern the marketing/entrepreneurship interface are very much welcomed.
This year we would like to point your attention to research and practical applications regarding the "Business Model Canvas". Research questions that were developed at the 2014 Symposium are attached to this email [moderator: … can be found at the end of this post].
Also, please look into our track "Next Level Incubator for Entrepreneurial Marketing".

The complete call for papers can be found under
Please send your abstracts to peter.whalen at

We strongly encourage doctoral students to attend the symposium as well as the Doctoral Consortium (scheduled for August 12th)! Consortium Fellows selected for the consortium will have their symposium fees waived, have complimentary meals during the official portion of the Consortium and the Symposium, and have their hotel room expenses paid up to $500. More info can be found under

General info:
This year's conference theme: Live from Chicago, It’s Saturday Night Live!: Improvisation, Effectuation and Creation Theory.
Conference location and dates: DePaul University, Chicago (IL), August 12-14.
The conference is sponsored by the Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG of the American Marketing Association and Kauffman Foundation.

See you all in beautiful Chicago!

The symposium co-chairs,
Fabian Eggers, Menlo College
Peter Whalen, University of Denver
Javier Monllor, DePaul University

Fabian Eggers, Ph.D.
Director, Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Menlo College
1000 El Camino Real
Atherton, CA 94027
(650) 543-3871 Office
fabian.eggers at

Business Model Canvas at the Marketing Entrepreneurship Interface Research Questions

• Does the Business Model Canvas speed the start-up process?
• Do VCs respond more positively to the canvas or a business plan? Or business plans that derive from the canvas?
• [Does using the Canvas affect] Success/effectiveness? 
o Getting VC’s money
o Getting Kickstarted
o Self-reports from entrepreneurs (motivation, passion, etc.)
• Team vs. individual use (use as a moderator)
• Characteristics of users of the Canvas
• Is it more effective for remote work, [compared to] the other methods (using a business plan)
• Service oriented vs. product oriented – can the canvas enhance effectiveness
o Story boarding
o Analogies vs. metaphors
• Are there business models (using the canvas) that generate perceived value as opposed to actual value? Not necessarily the case that all value is explained by brand equity
• Are there external market conditions or consumer factors that provide insights for which type of business model would be most effective?
• How is the business model impacted by the life cycle of the industry?
• How does the life cycle impact ‘gain creation’ or ‘pain relief’? [See Steve Blank’s course and/or the Value Proposition Canvas]
• What most drives consumer decisions ‘gain creation’ or ‘pain relief’? [See Steve Blank’s course and/or the Value Proposition Canvas]
• Does the use of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) lead to a better business pitch? Are pitches developed using the BMC better suited for specific industries (tech. vs banking)?
• Does the use of the BMC lead to more innovative ideas? Maybe a better question is, does it lead to more rounded ideas (both novel and useful)?
• Does the BMC lead entrepreneurs to steer away from execution and too much brainstorming? When is the best time to stop generating alternatives and execute?
• Is this a good tool for research? Is it a good tool for teaching but not grounded in theory for research?
• Does [using] BMC [in] a divergent deconstructive approach result in different, qualitatively better results than traditional critical linear thinking?
• Can the same BMC result in different implementations?
• When is the right time to involve the customer in BMC development?
• At what point does BMC development lose its effectiveness?  What then?
• Does BMC development improve pitches?  Does it vary based on industry?
• What is the underlying theory of BMC? BMC development?
• What factors moderate or mediate BMC development effectiveness?
o Speed to Market
o Better Ideas
o Team Makeup
o Storytelling Capabilities
o External Market Conditions
o Perceived Value Assessment
o Industry Lifecycle
o Divergent Thinking Outcomes
o Incremental or Radical Innovation
o New market creation or existing need fulfillment
• How does effectual selling fit into BMC development?
• What marketing mix outcomes does the BMC process lead to?
• Does a Business Model advantage lead to a Strategic advantage?

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