CFP: Measuring entrepreneurship – a collection of valid scales (IJEBR)

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Measuring entrepreneurship – a collection of valid scales

Special issue call for papers from International Journal of 
Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research

Editor: Professor Andreas Kuckertz

Part of the success of entrepreneurship research is its widespread use 
of empirical approaches to illustrate and understand entrepreneurial 
phenomena. In this regard, our understanding of statistical methods and 
applied rigor has increased every year. An important part of rigorous 
empirical research is quite often the use of valid and reliable 
measurement instruments that are grounded in a reasonable theoretical 
base. However, employed measurement instruments are far too often 
conceptualized on an ad-hoc basis and lack solid theoretical grounding 
hereby inhibiting further theory building and replication. The academic 
discussion of entrepreneurial phenomena thus misses to tap its full 
potential. There is consequently a need to develop more reliable and 
valid scales that can serve the community of entrepreneurship scholars 
to achieve the goal of producing rigorous and relevant research.

This special issue of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial 
Behaviour & Research provides a forum for studies that address this 
particular gap and develop theoretically grounded, multi-item 
measurement scales intended to operationalize important entrepreneurial 
concepts. We particularly welcome submissions that help to advance key 
areas in entrepreneurship research with valid scales such as the following:

•	Corporate and strategic entrepreneurship
•	Family firms and entrepreneurship
•	Finance and entrepreneurship
•	Geography and entrepreneurship
•	Innovation and entrepreneurship
•	International entrepreneurship
•	Marketing and entrepreneurship
•	Opportunities and entrepreneurship
•	Psychology and entrepreneurship
•	Social and sustainable entrepreneurship
•	Technology entrepreneurship

Model papers to consider

Lumpkin, G.T., Cogliser, C.C., Schneider, D.R., 2009. Understanding and 
measuring autonomy: An entrepreneurial orientation perspective, 
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33, 47-69.

Tang, J., Kacmar, K.M., Busenitz, L., 2012. Entrepreneurial alertness in 
the pursuit of new opportunities, Journal of Business Venturing 27, 77–94.

Background literature

Crook, T.R., Shook, C.L., Morris, M.L., Madden, T.M., 2010a. Are we 
there yet? An assessment of research design and construct measurement 
practices in entrepreneurship research. Organizational Research Methods 
13 (1), 192–206.

Crook, T.R., Shook, C.L., Madden, T.M., Morris, M.L., 2010b. A review of 
current construct measurement in entrepreneurship. International 
Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 6 (4), 387–398.

Slavec, A., Drnovsek, M., 2012. A perspective on scale development in 
entrepreneurship research. Economic and Business Review 14 (1), 39–62.

About the Journal International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & 
Research (IJEBR)

The International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 
(IJEBR) has a unique focus on publishing original research related to 
the human and social dynamics of entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial 
management in small and growing organizations. The Journal has an 
international perspective on entrepreneurship and publishes conceptual 
papers and empirical studies which bring together issues of interest to 
academic researchers and educators, policy-makers and practitioners 
worldwide. The editorial team encourages high-quality submissions which 
advance the study of human and behavioural dimensions of 
entrepreneurship and smaller organizations in the context of 
entrepreneurial learning.

Submission Guidelines

The deadline for submissions is 30 November 2015. Papers should be 
submitted via the journal's online submission system available through 
the journal homepage: or 
directly via: choosing ''Measuring 
entrepreneurship'' from the drop down menu as the issue to submit to.

All papers must follow the guidelines outlined by the journal for 
Failure to comply with these requirements will result in immediate 

Initial enquires and expressions of interest can be sent to:
Professor Andreas Kuckertz
Institute for Marketing and Management
University of Hohenheim
Email: andreas.kuckertz at

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