REMINDER: Marketing and Entrepreneurship Symposium, Abstract Deadline March 1

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Feb 17 11:35:00 MEZ 2014

From: Fabian Eggers [mailto:fabian.eggers at] 
Date: Sun 16 Feb 2014 01:15

This is a reminder that the abstract deadline for the 2014 Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship is two weeks away (March 1 - authors will be notified around April 1st)!

- Abstract submission guidelines can be found under
- The early registration conference fee is $350 (before July 1)
- A list of Santa Cruz hotels is available upon request

We look forward to receiving your abstract!

The conference co-chairs
Glenn Omura, Michigan State University
Fabian Eggers, Menlo College
Gerald E. Hills, Bradley University

Fabian Eggers, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Menlo College
1000 El Camino Real
Atherton, CA 94027
(650) 543-3871 Office
fabian.eggers at

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