CFP: 2014 Marketing & Entrepreneurship Research Symposium in Santa Cruz (CA) - Call for Abstracts

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Oct 24 08:53:00 CEST 2013

From: Fabian Eggers [mailto:fabian.eggers at]
Date: Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:52


Announcing the 2014 Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Santa Cruz (CA), July 29-31, themed "Wouldn't it be nice ... To Find Innovativeness in Entrepreneurial Marketing?"
Sponsored by the Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG of the American Marketing Association and Kauffman Foundation.
Two page abstract submissions are due March 1. Final papers are due July 1.
Please send to fabian.eggers at

All the usual topics are welcomed, but here are a few more we would like you to consider:
- New product introductions by entrepreneurial start-ups
- Innovative new business models by entrepreneurial start-ups
- Innovative models of social entrepreneurship
- Innovative teaching approaches for entrepreneurial marketing
- Construct and instrument validation for entrepreneurial marketing research
- Meta-analysis and comprehensive literature reviews on topics related to entrepreneurial marketing
- Evaluative comparisons of alternative methodologies used in researching entrepreneurial marketing
- Case and small sample studies in entrepreneurial marketing research
- Grounded theory-based entrepreneurial marketing research
- Competitive responses to entrepreneurial efforts
- Entrepreneurial marketing activities in turbulent environments
- Individual decision making in entrepreneurial marketing

Papers on emerging topics that relate to marketing and entrepreneurship are very much encouraged.

Please also consider a new track that we would like to add to the symposium - "Next Level Incubator for Entrepreneurial Marketing":

>From time to time, we all get to that "blank page" point in our research where we need insight, or an objective pair of eyes, or some other really smart person to tell us how or where to go next.  The outside contribution may not even be right but cause us to think differently and put us on the right path. We're looking for paper presentations that need some extra critique and airing to give authors that nudge on how to take their research to the next level.  We are interested in two types of papers.  One type of papers should meet traditional journal requirements, but may be lacking:
- a good problem statement, or
- the right theoretical framework, or
- the right analytical method, or
- a compelling interpretation of the results, or
- great conclusion
- but not more than one of the above

Another type of paper may be a "developmental pitch" in that you have a great idea but don't know how to develop it further and need to attract a co-author. You want to pitch a research idea and need a co-author to come aboard and contribute theory, research methodology, or data.

If your paper is one of the two types above, please stamp your cover sheet with "NEXT LEVEL" and prepare a short statement (2-3 sentences) on how the project might benefit from the session.

This Call for Papers and additional info can be found on our symposium website:


The symposium co-chairs,
Glenn Omura, Michigan State University
Fabian Eggers, Menlo College

Fabian Eggers, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Menlo College
1000 El Camino Real
Atherton, CA 94027
(650) 543-3871 Office
fabian.eggers at

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