POSITIONS: PhD Grant - Doctoral School on Management Engineering - University of Padua, Italy

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Tue Jul 30 13:10:41 CEST 2013

From: Paolo Giacon [mailto:paolo.giacon at unipd.it]
Date: Sat 27 Jul 2013 19:26

The University of Padova, Italy, offers research fellowships to foreign students willing to attend Doctoral Schools. During the 3-year doctoral programme (starting on January 2nd, 2014, and ending on December 31st, 2016), successful candidates will be offered full board and lodging.

The Management and Entrepreneurship Research Unit of the Department of Industrial Engineering (University of Padua, Italy), encourages foreign students interested in Entrepreneurship, to apply for the Doctoral School on Management Engineering. Successful students will have the opportunity to research and work within the Research Group under the supervision of professor Moreno Muffatto.

Our Research Group recently organized the International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Venice, may 2012), promotes the International Summer School on Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation (Garda Lake, September 2012 and June 2013) and is leading the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in Italy. We are actually carrying out the following research projects: Entrepreneurship for Growth, Young Entrepreneurs, Eco-entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Entrepreneurial Intention and Orientation.

Applicants are required to have foreign citizenship and foreign residence; they will also have a foreign academic qualification.

The official call for application is available at this website:  http://www.unipd.it/en/research/doctoral-degrees-phd-programmes

The deadline for the official application is 19th September 2013.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send as soon as possible (before 30th august 2013) your cv and a research proposal for a preliminary evaluation.

Please send them to paolo.giacon at unipd.it and moreno.muffatto at unipd.it.

As you probably can read from the official call for application, a study/research plan is required.  Before you formalize it within the application form, we would like to share some ideas and to arrange it with you. Please remember that the plan should be a clear and detailed description of your study objectives and should highlight the main reasons for your commitment. Max. 3 pages will be accepted. We suggest to structure the plan as follows:

A.   Main field of study and specific interest (which is the topic of your research)
B.   Relevance of the topic
C.   Objectives of the research
D.   Methodological issues
E.   Expected results and benefits for potential stakeholders of your research

We will accept projects concerning the following areas: general theories of entrepreneurship, academic entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship in developing countries, corporate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial behavior, entrepreneurship education, technological transfer, innovation management, knowledge management, high-tech entrepreneurship, strategic management, innovative business models. 

According to your interests other research streams could be explored.

If you have questions or you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact  me.
On behalf of professor Muffatto, 

best regards

Dr. Paolo Giacon 

Dr. Paolo Giacon
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua Managament and Entrepreneurship Research Unit via Venezia 1, 35100, Padova, Italy
ph.n.: +39.049.8277473
mob: +39.349.7549790
email: paolo.giacon at unipd.it

International Summer School on Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation www.rieforum.org/summerschool

Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship FORUM www.rieforum.org 

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