POSITIONS: Open positions in economic geography / entrepreneurship research (Post-Doc & 2 Ph.D.s) - University of Bern, Switzerland

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Fri May 10 17:14:47 CEST 2013

From: Heike Mayer [heike.mayer at giub.unibe.ch]
Date: Tue 7 May 2013 09:33

*Apologies for cross-postings*

The Institute of Geography at the University of Bern invites applications for the following positions:

1 Post-Doc position in economic geography / entrepreneurship research (ID: 5732)

2 Ph.D. positions in economic geography /entrepreneurship research (ID: 5733)

The positions start September 1, 2013. 

The economic geography group at the University of Bern undertakes research on the role of entrepreneurship in regional economic development. We are looking for individuals who are interested in the realization of research projects around questions related to the geography of entrepreneurship. 

The positions are supported through a research grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) under the title:

Entrepreneurship in peripheral regions: Understanding the role of entrepreneurial heritage and embeddedness in Swiss non-metropolitan areas

The successful applicants will contribute to this research project through their Ph.D. theses and publications. They will be part of the economic geography research group at the University of Bern (Prof. Heike Mayer), which will collaborate in this project with Prof. Ron Boschma (Utrecht University, Netherlands & Lund University, Sweden). 

The research will examine entrepreneurial dynamics in Swiss non-metropolitan areas from an evolutionary economic geography perspective. The study will compare three peripheral areas and collect longitudinal data on entrepreneurial heritage and embeddedness. We employ a multiple embedded case study methodology and combine qualitative and historical data analysis with quantitative methods for identifying factors responsible for economic development of peripheral areas. The originality of this research lies in the evolutionary economic geography perspective adapted to the peripheral context and in the unique historical analysis of peripheral economies in Switzerland. The project is part of an ongoing research effort which aims to understand the economic geography of entrepreneurship in Switzerland.

Post-Doc position:
We are seeking candidates who are interested in conducting research in the field of economic geography with a specific focus on entrepreneurship studies. The post-doc will support the SNSF research project regarding research design, publications and outreach. Further, the position gives the opportunity to develop an internationally-recognized research and publication portfolio, to supervise student theses and gain teaching experience. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. and a solid research background in the use of methods of social science and/or econometric analysis. Good language skills in English and German as well as teaching experience are an asset. Salary and further employment conditions comply with Swiss National Science Foundation regulations.

Ph.D. positions:
Candidates for the Ph.D. positions should hold a Master degree in human geography or in a closely related discipline and be able to conduct field work using methods of social science analysis. Good language skills in English and German as well as experience in economic geography research and methods are an asset. The positions are limited to three years. Salaries and further employment conditions comply with Swiss National Science Foundation regulations.

We offer a stimulating work environment, which provides plenty of opportunities to present at national and international conferences and workshops. The research team is also part of the newly established Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED).

Interested candidates are invited to submit their application by June 10, 2013.

The dossier should contain a letter of motivation, a full CV, copies of diplomas and diploma supplements, names of two references and a writing sample (e.g., chapter of master theses). For the Post-Doc position a full list of publications is required. Applications can be submitted in German or English. 

Applications have to be submitted electronically as a single PDF-file to Professor Heike Mayer (mayer at giub.unibe.ch). Questions are to be sent to the same address.

For more information about the economic geography group at the University of Bern, see: http://www.geography.unibe.ch/eg

Heike Mayer, Professor of Economic Geography, University of Bern (Switzerland) Adjunct Professor in Urban Affairs and Planning, Virginia Tech (USA)

Hallerstrasse 12, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Phone: +41 31 631 88 86, Mobile: +41 79 319 1453
skype: hei_kayak; e-mail: mayer at giub.unibe.ch www.geography.unibe.ch\eg.html\ oder www.heikemayer.com  

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