POSITIONS: Bentley University PhD program accepting applications

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Fri Oct 26 20:45:48 CEST 2012

Applications for the Bentley University PhD program are invited prior
to the closing date, which is January 20th 2013.  The PhD in Business
has an overall theme of business, technology and society, and covers a
range of fields, including Strategy and Entrepreneurship.  Bentley is
located on the outskirts of Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Bentley launched its PhD program in 2006 and has already graduated 12
students, in Business and in Accountancy, all of whom have been
successfully placed, the vast majority in well regarded academic
positions.  A similar number are expected to graduate by the end of
the current academic year.

All students receive a scholarship that covers all tuition and the top
candidates receive a living expenses stipend of $25,000 per year for 4
years (with a 5th year potential depending on progress), as long as
they remain in good standing.  We also have two Geneen Doctoral
Fellowships who will each receive a $30,000 annual stipend to pursue
research dedicated to examining social comparative and reformative
approaches to governance.  These fellowships are based on a gift from
the Harold S. Geneen Charitable Trust.  Finally, we have Rauch
Fellowships, based on a gift from the Rauch family, which provide
stipends of $30,000 per year for 4-5 years.

If you have any current or recent Master's graduates who are looking
to start a PhD, we would be grateful if you could pass our information
on to them.  In addition, if you have questions, would like further
information, or would like to recommend students for Bentley's PhD
programs, please contact the program director - Sue Newell - at (+1)
781-891-2399 or snewell at bentley.edu<mailto:snewell at bentley.edu>. The
closing date for applications is January 20th 2013.  Please visit our
website for more information - http://phd.bentley.edu/

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