POSITIONS: Entrepreneurship Position announcement - Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship / Strathclyde Business School

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Tue Aug 21 14:43:01 CEST 2012

From: Erik Monsen [mailto:erik.monsen at strath.ac.uk] 
Date: Tue 31 Jul 2012 14:51

Sent on behalf of Prof. Sara Carter (sara.carter at strath.ac.uk):

(UK equivalent to Associate / Assistant Professor)


This post is a Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, which is the UK equivalent to an Associate / Assistant Professor. The appointee is expected to be able to lead a research programme of national and international excellence in entrepreneurship; to lead the design, development and delivery of a range of teaching programmes and undertake student assessment activities at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive levels; to lead professional and knowledge exchange activities and to carry out senior administrative tasks assigned by the Head of Department. Prior experience of teaching entrepreneurship, particularly from an experiential perspective, would be an advantage. The appointee is expected to have demonstrable academic expertise and a keen interest in developing entrepreneurship research and teaching activities within the University, therefore a relevant PhD (or PhD imminently pending) is essential.

Details of the post are available at:
(Please quote Job Vacancy Ref: JA/75/2012) 

Applications should be made online by 27th August 2012 and formal interviews will be held on 25th September 2012. 

Informal enquiries regarding the post can be directed to Professor Sara Carter, Head of Department (sara.carter at strath.ac.uk) or Professor Jonathan Levie (j.levie at strath.ac.uk). 

If you are attending the Academy of Management annual meeting in Boston, Professor Sara Carter (sara.carter at strath.ac.uk) and Professor Jonathan Levie  (j.levie at strath.ac.uk), as well as Dr Erik Monsen (erik.monsen at strath.ac.uk) and Dr Marina Biniari (marina.biniari at strath.ac.uk), will be present and you are encouraged to approach them to ask any questions about the post.

The Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship is the University's newest academic department, endowed by Sir Tom Hunter for the study, research and encouragement of entrepreneurship within Scotland. Its mission is to provide Strathclyde people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to practice entrepreneurship; undertake research in entrepreneurship that combines excellence and relevance and promote entrepreneurship as a socially desirable career option to students, staff and the Strathclyde community. The Department runs an undergraduate degree pathway, the BA Business Enterprise, and also offers teaching programmes at postgraduate level. The Department has a growing postgraduate research community, with 18 PhD candidates currently registered within the Hunter Centre. There are 9 members of academic staff, including: Professor Sara Carter (Head of Department), Professor Jonathan Levie (Director of Knowledge Exchange), Dr Erik Monsen (Director of Research), Dr Marina Biniari (Director of Teaching).  Further information about the Department can be obtained from the University website

Strathclyde Business School (SBS) was ranked no. 1 in Scotland and was in the top 10 UK Business Schools in the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). It is part of an elite group of business schools worldwide that are "Triple Accredited" (AACSB International, AMBA and Equis).  SBS is by far the biggest and broadest Business School in Scotland, and one of the largest in the UK. It enjoys excellent links with Business through its Strategic Advisory Board and numerous industrial and public organizations who work with staff and students or research, projects and placements. With a growing international profile in terms of Faculty and Students, nine International Centers in Europe, the Middle and Far East, and a new Centre in India, SBS is at the forefront of business and management research and education on a global scale. SBS focuses on the relationship between theory and practice, and delivers high quality research and teaching of significance to policy makers, management practitioners and fellow scholars.

Dr. Erik Monsen
Senior Lecturer, Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde, Room 7.33, 199 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0QU, Scotland-UK 
Tel: +44-141 548 3157
Email: erik.monsen at strath.ac.uk
Web: http://www.strath.ac.uk/huntercentre/
Only 1% of the world's business schools are triple accredited:  Strathclyde is one of them
The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263

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