ANNOUNCE: 2012 Entrepreneurship Doctoral Consortium - Second Call

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu May 10 10:07:34 CEST 2012

Please distribute the following:


We invite applications for the 2012 Entrepreneurship Doctoral Consortium!
The Entrepreneurship Division will sponsor its annual consortium for doctoral students during the 2012 annual meetings of the Academy of Management in Boston, Massachusetts.  The Consortium brings together doctoral students and experienced faculty to discuss opportunities and challenges as scholars in the field.  This year, the program will include panels and discussions on dissertation strategies, first job and career path considerations, the publication process, and a host of other topics.  Students will also receive detailed and constructive feedback on their work from an accomplished scholar in the field. The Consortium will begin at 9 am on Friday, August 3, continue until 3 pm on Saturday, August 4, and include a dinner Friday evening.  

The Consortium is open to doctoral students who have completed approximately two to three years of their Ph.D. program.  The ideal candidate will have finished coursework and be engaged in preparing a dissertation proposal.

To apply, please follow the two steps below.
1) Submit the following:
A short (one page or less) biographical sketch for distribution to all participants.  
A brief statement (one page or less) of your research and teaching interests.
A current CV

2)  Please submit a working paper.  This paper must be on an entrepreneurship topic and is best a paper that you are moving towards publication or a detailed overview of your intended dissertation research.  IMPORTANT NOTE: The paper must NOT (a) exceed 35 pages (all inclusive), or (b) be an accepted-for-publication/published manuscript.  The working paper is a key requirement for admission.

Please submit this information through email to both Joe Coombs (jecoombs2 at and to Keith Hmieleski (k.hmieleski at  Please do so by *June 1*.  Please place "2012 ENT Doctoral Consortium" in the subject line.
The consortium will be limited in size; positions will be allocated based on application materials.  Questions should be sent to the Consortium Co-chairs, Joe Coombs (jecoombs2 at and to Keith Hmieleski (k.hmieleski at .  
Please note: Acceptance into the consortium is via application only. 
Thanks for your interest!  We look forward to meeting you!
Joe Coombs
Keith Hmieleski 
ENT Division Doctoral Consortium Chairs

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