CFP: Call for papers to R&D Management Conference and IEMJ Special issue on Entrepreneurship of Technology Oriented Enterprises

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Jan 3 16:40:54 CET 2012

From: Marko Kohtamäki [marko.kohtamaki at]
Date: Tue 3 Jan 2012 16:20

Dear Colleagues in (techno) Entrepreneurship Research,

The R&D Management Conference will be held in Grenoble (France) on May 23-25, 2012.
The website and call for paper of the conference is open:

Please, check the Call for papers and notice that there is a track for entrepreneurship related papers. In addition, the conference co-operates with number of academic journals and their upcoming Special Issues. Attached below is the Call for Papers of the coming special issue in International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 


SPECIAL ISSUE: The Continued Entrepreneurship of Technology Oriented Newly Created Enterprises: How Entrepreneurial Individuals Continue Creating, Capturing and Delivering Value.

Guest Editors: Professor Erno Tornikoski and Professor Thomas Gillier –Grenoble Ecole de Management, and Marko Kohtamäki –University of Vaasa

The entrepreneurial task is to transform innovative ideas into operational businesses in timely fashion. After successfully bringing technological innovations into markets, newly created enterprises need to find a balance between exploiting their current technologies and competencies (to generate profits) and exploring new alternatives (to innovate) to continue prospering and creating, capturing, and delivering value. Top entrepreneurial teams have a unique role in crafting, fostering, and shaping the R&D strategies of newly created enterprises (NCE). 

The editors of this special issue, Professor Erno Tornikoski, Professor Thomas Gillier, and Professor Marko Kohtamäki would welcome articles, both theoretical and research based papers on any aspect and factors that explain how technology oriented newly created enterprises succeed to continue exploring new knowledge while exploiting their existing technological competences. A special focus is given to the role of top entrepreneurial teams in formulating, fostering and re-orienting the R&D strategies of newly created enterprises. In particular they would welcome articles on:
·         Ambidextrous organizations and technological innovations in NCEs
·         Innovation and business growth in NCEs
·         Entrepreneurial, strategic and organizational learning in NCEs
·         Business life-cycle management in NCEs
·         Introduction of second generation products/services by NCEs
·         Increasing technological sophistication of NCEs
·         Management of uncertainty by the R&D teams of NCEs
·         The interaction between design and marketing process in NCEs
·         Value Management in NCEs
·         Etc.

Papers should illuminate the implications and opportunities for entrepreneurial R&D management and innovation and any requirements to advance either theory or practice. 

Researchers interested in publishing in this special issue on Continued entrepreneurship of technology oriented newly created enterprises should send the manuscripts to the Guest Editors, Professor Erno Tornikoski, Grenoble Ecole de Management, email to erno.tornikoski at, to Professor Thomas Gillier, Grenoble Ecole de Management, email to thomas.gillier at, or to Professor Marko Kohtamäki, University of Vaasa, email to marko.kohtamaki at 

The full paper is due no later than September 30, 2012. Please clearly identify your submission in the email subject line, IEMJ Special Issue on Continued Entrepreneurship. All papers will go through the regular double-blind review process to ensure its relevance and quality, and must follow IEMJ Style Guidelines. This special issue will be published in 2013.

All the best,
Marko Kohtamäki
Professor, Ph.D. (econ.)
EPANET, Department of Management, University of Vaasa
P.O.Box 700, Vaasa, Finland
GSM: +358(0)45 120 2901 

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