RESPONSE: Validated questionnaires to be used in Ph.D. Research in entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Nov 16 13:03:21 CET 2011

From: Alistair Anderson (abs) [a.r.anderson at]
Date: Wed 16 Nov 2011 11:43

Dear Joseph

I saw your request for questionnaire items, but would like to suggest that this is not actually the problem.

The problem is that a multi-theoretical approach to such a difficult to define topic-"success" is unlikely to produce any useful results. Put simply, the scope is far too broad. Conceptually it will be difficult, if not impossible, to combine "relevant" theories (whatever relevant may mean) into a viable, logical and coherent theoretical approach or framework.

Moreover, your list seems to include an extraordinary number of factors and variables and I cannot imagine how you would be able to put these into any viable explanatory framework. I suggest that you seriously reconsider the scope of the study and look carefully at something that is manageable. If you look at the literature, you will see that few academics have even tried to publish anything approaching the scope you propose. This suggests that your plans are just too ambitious to be workable.


Professor Alistair R Anderson
Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship
Aberdeen Business School

-----Original Message-----
From: entrepreneurship-phd-bounces at [mailto:entrepreneurship-phd-bounces at] On Behalf Of entrepreneurship-phd at
Sent: 16 November 2011 09:56
To: entrepreneurship-phd at
Subject: REQUEST: Validated questionnaires to be used in Ph.D. Research in entrepreneurship

From: Joseph Cherukara [jmcherukara at]
Date: Wed 16 Nov 2011 10:24

Dear Fellow Researchers and Academicians

I am a research Scholar of Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala, India.

The theme of my research is "A Study on Factors Leading to Entrepreneurial Success".  I plan to conduct an inter-disciplinary study combining the relevant theories of Economics, sociology and Psychology.  My problem is difficulty in accessing validated questionnaires for measuring the following areas listed below.
If any of you have access to validated questionnaires related to any of the listed items, and forwarded it  to me, I would be much obliged for the great service and it will be acknowledged in the final thesis.

Kind regards
Joseph M. Cherukara

*         Ethnic Entrepreneurship

*         Emigrants
*         Parental Occupation

*         Position in birth order
*         Deprived childhood
*         Education
*         Experience

Entrepreneurial Orientation
*         Learning
*         Innovation
*         Risk taking
*         Proactiveness
*         Autonomy
*         Competitive Aggressiveness
*         Personal initiative
*         Locus of control
*         Need for achievement
*         Cognition
*         Heuristics

Environmental factors
*         Demand
*         Customer Aspirations
*         Competition
*         Cultural factors
*         Political factors
*         Dynamism
*         Environmental hostility
*         heterogeneity
*         Abundance of opportunity
*         Resources
*         Human and social capital

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