ANNOUNCE: oikos Young Scholars Entrepreneurship Academy 2011

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Feb 3 09:22:21 CET 2011

Call for Papers: oikos Young Scholars Entrepreneurship Academy 2011
Cleantech Entrepreneurship, Finance and Policy
12-17  June 2011,  Switzerland
Abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2011

The second oikos Young Scholars Entrepreneurship Academy provides PhD students and early career researchers in the field of Entrepreneurship, Management, Policy and Sustainability an outstanding platform to present and discuss their ongoing research projects with fellow students and senior faculty. 
In 2011 we aim at attracting papers fostering new ideas and solutions with regard to how the corporate sector and civil society can leverage existing and new solutions overcoming key environmental sustainability challenges. Feedback will be given by fellow students and three international established researchers: 
Prof. Sophie Manigart, Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance, Ghent University & Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Belgium 
Prof. Itai Sened, Professor of Political Science, Center for New Institutional Science, Washington University in St. Louis, USA 
Prof. Rolf Wüstenhagen, Good Energies Chair for the Management of Renewable Energies, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland 

To allow in-depth discussions the oikos Young Scholars Entrepreneurship Academy is limited to 15 young scholars. Please, send us your proposal abstract (max. 2 pages), a curriculum vitae and a letter of interest until March 15, 2011 (Notification of acceptance: March 30) to entrepreneurship at For more details please download the full call for papers at

We look forward to receiving your submission and welcoming you in the swiss alps!
Please let your colleages know about this opportunity. 

Thank you.
Participants feedbacks 2010:

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