CFP: 2011 Duke-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Conference

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Fri Dec 10 17:19:23 CET 2010

From: Jared Konczal [mailto:jkonczal at] 
Date: Tue 9 Dec 2010 16:47

Duke-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Conference - Call For Papers
Durham, North Carolina
March 10, 2011
Duke University and the Kauffman Foundation are organizing an Entrepreneurship Conference designed to bring together leading scholars in the field. The symposium will be held at the Fuqua School of Business in Durham on Thursday, March 10, 2011. Papers in all areas of entrepreneurship are invited, but special consideration will be given to papers that address questions related to entrepreneurial finance, venture capital, and related topics at the intersection of corporate finance and entrepreneurship. 

Conference participants are also invited to attend the Duke/UNC Corporate Finance Conference to be held at Fuqua on March 11-12, which is jointly sponsored by Fuqua and UNC.

Professor Andrew Metrick will give a keynote address at a joint dinner on Thursday night, March 10.


Papers should be well developed, but at a stage where they can still benefit from the group's discussion. Preference will be given to recent papers that have not previously been presented at major conferences. Papers will be selected by members of the Duke faculty and members of the Kauffman Foundation.         


Please submit an electronic version of the paper (PDF format) no later than December 20, 2010 through the conference web page ( 
Paper selections will be finalized by February 1, 2011.

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