ANNOUNCE: TIM Doctoral Consortium

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Dec 9 09:17:02 CET 2010

TIM Doctoral Consortium - Call for applications (deadline: 8th of May, 2011)

The Technology and Innovation Management Division is now accepting applications from Ph.D. students for its 2011 doctoral consortium to be held at the Academy of Management meeting in San Antonio (TX), August 12-16.  The consortium will be held on Friday, August 12 and Saturday, August 13.

The TIM doctoral consortium is most valuable to Ph.D. candidates interested in conducting leading-edge research and teaching in technology and innovation management, strategy and organization.  

The consortium will be led by a panel of faculty members with proven research and teaching records who will address key issues in academic life such as publishing in top journals, managing your time for research, meeting teaching and institutional demands, managing research collaborations, and funding your research.

The coordinators of the 2011 consortium are Andrea Prencipe (University G. d'Annunzio)  and Marco Giarratana (UC3M). Confirmed faculty facilitators include: Gautam Ahuja (Ross), Stefano Brusoni (Bocconi), Zhang Wei (Tsinghua University), Steven White (Tsinghua University), and pending for a final confirmation Ashish Arora (Duke) and Ron Adner (Insead).
The application deadline is Sunday, 8 of May 2001. Only electronic applications will be considered. To apply, please send to the following email timphdconsortium at,

a) An updated CV
b) A one-page statement containing the following information: (1) Your full contact information, (2) your stage in the doctoral program, (3) the name of your thesis advisor and one additional reference, and, (4) A 100-word abstract or summary proposal of your dissertation. 

Preference will be given to doctoral candidates at later stages of their career - those at or near the thesis proposal stage.

For any questions please contact Andrea Prencipe or Marco Giarratana at  timphdconsortium at

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