REQUEST: For a new generation of Entrepreneurs in Banks...

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Sun Sep 19 16:45:31 CEST 2010

From: Bruno Chataigner [bruno.chataigner at]
Date: Sun 19 Sep 2010 14:23
An: entrepreneurship-phd at
Betreff: For a new generation of Entrepreneurs in Banks...

Dear all,

Not all added value solutions and services provided by banks are based on sophisticated financial products... 

Some of them, like the one I am focusing on, the Transaction Service Business - i.e. Cash Management & Trade as parts of the Financial Supply Chain management - are strategic to clients - mainly corporates - because they have an immediate impact on organisations' treasury -e.g. liquidity management. This is the reason why the financial crisis had very little influence on this business. It would even be the opposite... organisations willing to optimise their treasury. But, the competition is becoming strong and new players -e.g. PayPal - are entering this very market... Financial margins are small for the different players. The unique and nearly ultimate option for this business and players is "Innovation"... develop and package innovative solutions and service innovations. If banks have a strong expertise in managing sustainable innovations, they struggle managing disruptive ones, which do not serve immediate client interests... This is the reason why banks would like to develop a new generation of bank-entrepreneurs. This is what I want my PhD to focus on:

* Approaches for banks to manage disruptive innovations in an environment driven by a much more lucrative type of innovation - i.e. financial innovations
* Definition and tools to train a new generation of Bank-entrepreneurs

For further information, feel free to visit my page (page which belongs to ESSEC Business School)

What I am looking for...
* A PhD programme and a Business School environment interested in the above subject
* Ideally, a PhD programme organised like the "Industrial PhD" programmes offered by some of the Nordic countries (Business Schools / Universities from there are, so, very welcome) but part-time programmes will also be strongly considered
* A PhD programme opened to mature professionals, who would like to share their experience...

* Researchers and PhD fellows (current or future) interested in the above topics and willing to share ideas, skills and create a Business Research Working Group
* Existing groups are welcome...

Me, at a glance...
For the past 16 years, I have been working in the Banking industry in London and Paris, with a strong expertise in Business Development, Product and Project management. During 13.5 years, I have developed my know-how at Citigroup, the worldwide banking reference in the Global Transaction Service Business. Dealing with several major initiatives in EMEA closely with Asian and North American teams, I have developed a cross-cultural expertise to drive sophisticated assignments in the e-Banking arena. I had the opportunity to coordinate the Innovation forums at a regional level at Citi.

I hold an Executive MBA from ESSEC and Mannheim Business Schools (with Honours) and 2 masters, one with a major in Finance from ESG Management School and a M.Res (DEA) in Human Resources Development from CNAM-Paris. As a board member of the Executive MBA alumni association, I work closely with the ESSEC Business School and more specifically with ISIS (Institute of Service Innovation and Strategy) for conferences on innovation and future teaching modules.  However I am not willing to enroll their PhD programme, because it is only a full-time one...

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Many Thanks in advance for your cooperation,

Best Regards,

Bruno Chataigner 
bruno.chataigner at

One world, where a crisis always means opportunities!

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