POSITIONS: Traineeship at the OECD

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Mon Jun 14 13:39:12 CEST 2010

From: Andrea-Rosalinde.HOFER at oecd.org [mailto:Andrea-Rosalinde.HOFER at oecd.org] 
Date: Wed 9 Jun 2010 16:09

Dear all, 

The Local Economic and Employment Programme (LEED) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is looking for suitable candidates for a three-to-six months traineeship in Paris, starting ideally in the end of July 2010. 

The trainee will be expected to examine the academic and policy literature on skills for entrepreneurship and university entrepreneurship support in OECD countries. Excellent research and writing skills in English are required and language skills in French, Spanish or German would be a highly valued asset.  The OECD does not provide financial support for trainees. The successful applicant is expected to make his/her own arrangements for travel to Paris, lodging and living expenses in Paris during the traineeship period.

Please note that applicants should have a OECD member country citizenship and that only people towards the end of their undergraduate degree or doing post-graduate courses can be considered. 

If you are interested please send your CV and a short cover letter explaining your research interests and experience (both in English) to andrea-rosalinde.hofer at oecd.org by 18 June. Telephone interviews with successful applicants will be organised on 23-24 June.   

Best wishes, 


Andrea-Rosalinde HOFER
Policy Analyst (Employment, Skills and Entrepreneurship)
LEED Trento Centre for Local Development 
andrea-rosalinde.hofer at oecd.org

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