REQUEST: Teaching Materials for ICT Learning Courses

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Jun 7 17:11:42 CEST 2010

From: Ulf Richter [mailto:ulf_richter at] 
Date: Wed 2 Jun 2010 21:13

Dear all,

I am writing to ask if you could help me with teaching materials for introductory courses on communication and information technologies (ICTs) for a project in West Africa.

The project idea

. What: Offer basic ICT learning courses in English and French in high schools in Grand Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire. 
. Vision: Disseminate ICTs to narrow down the digital divide (also in the country), provide access to information and create economic opportunities.
. Need: The current level of ICT knowledge is very low and in many regions virtually non-existent. Most high schools do not have computers or do not have teachers that could train the use of computers, software, and Internet.
. How: Train a limited number of young women to be ICT trainers and teach information and communication technology in local schools against. Use own computers as of now and later source computers from private donors or organizations such as Digital Pipeline to set up a computer center.
. Challenge: Infrastructure challenges such as frequent electricity cuts, high poverty rates, thefts, political instability (post-conflict environment).
. Opportunity: Technology adaption is fast. Local knowledge and local embeddedness is high. Dedicated volunteer team in place.
. Impact: Grand Bassam has about 70-80,000 inhabitants and 6 high schools. The biggest has about 6000 students. The average age in Côte d'Ivoire is estimated at about 20-25 years.
. Why women? Similar to the literature on microfinance, local experience shows that local women are very receptive to new knowledge/training, hard working, and more responsible in the use of money /goods as well as a higher need for additional income since they take care of their families/children.  

This is a pilot project. I work with a volunteer team of locals and European students at the moment to create the local structures and organizational infrastructure. You help will be greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Ulf Richter

Dr. Ulf Richter
Profesor e Investigador Principal
CENTRUM Católica
Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú

Research Associate
International University of Grand Bassam
Côte d'Ivoire

Mobile (PE):    +51 1 945124150
Mobile (CI):    +225 48095923
Email:               ulf.richter at
Skype:             ulfrichter

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