CFP NYU-Stern Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurship

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Thu Apr 29 10:50:43 MESZ 2010

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (deadline, August 16th, 2010)


November 3-5, 2010
New York University - Stern School of Business

As part of our annual Satter Conference of Social Entrepreneurs, we are once again convening a three-day conference dedicated to the ongoing development of theory and research on social entrepreneurship and its impact on global communities. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars in social entrepreneurship to discuss emerging concepts and themes in social entrepreneurship research. 

Along with input and dialogue with practitioners on the third day, we also hope to develop a formal perceptual mapping that encapsulates how non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurial firms, governments, and public agencies view social entrepreneurship and its role in catalyzing innovation and change for individuals, communities, and our global society.  

While contributions can represent a variety of viewpoints, perspectives or approaches, research and works that address persistent issues or provide new approaches and solutions are particularly welcome.  Conceptual papers, research papers presenting quantitative and /or qualitative data are invited, as well as case studies and practitioner contributions.  Here are several research suggestions that may be interesting and highly provocative, although abstracts/manuscripts that address other relevant and timely themes of social entrepreneurship but are not covered below are also welcome:

•	Social entrepreneurship process involving opportunity/problem recognition and evaluation
•	Organizational forms of social enterprises     
•	Challenges of scaling and measuring social impact
•	Emerging themes in social entrepreneurship education
•	Cross-cultural comparative studies in social entrepreneurship
•	Research challenges in social entrepreneurship

Abstract and Paper Submission and Review Process:
Authors who wish to present their papers at the conference should submit electronically a three-page abstract (double-spaced, times new roman font) by August 16th 2010 to Dr. Jill Kickul, Director, Stewart Satter Program in Social Entrepreneurship, NYU-Stern School of Business, jkickul at  Abstracts will be selected and authors will be notified and invited by September 1, 2010 to submit a full paper due Friday, October 15, 2010.  The Satter Best Paper Award ($5k) will be granted for the best research paper presented at the conference.  Additional information including registration, cost, and schedule will be available and updated on our website soon.  Our previous conference can be viewed at:

Advisory Board: Gordon Bloom, Princeton University, Jason Saul, Northwestern University, Filipe Santos, INSEAD, Sharon Alvarez, The Ohio State University, Siri Terjesen, Indiana University, Moriah Meyskens, Babson College, Tom Lumpkin, Syracuse University, Frank Janssen, Universite catholique de Louvain, Don Kuratko, Indiana University, Fiona Wilson, Simmons College, Brett Smith, Miami University, Durreen Shahnaz, Impact Investment Exchange Asia, Alain Fayolle, EM-Lyon, Rachida Justo, IE-Madrid, Benyamin Lichtenstein, University of Massachusetts – Boston.

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