CFP: Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Development for Entrepreneurship and Small Business (JSBE)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Apr 23 13:55:01 MESZ 2010

Call for Papers
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship JSBE
March 1, 2011
“The Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Development for Entrepreneurship and Small Business”

This is an invitation to submit full papers for a Special Issue of JSBE concerning the intersection of entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability. Building on the renewed interest on this intersection (as e.g. witnessed by the remarks on climate change made by U.S. President Obama in his 2008 inaugural address), our purpose is to present high-quality research illuminating the intersection of the three themes. We seek original research contributions that are informed by quantitative and qualitative research methods, as well as papers that address conceptual aspects. Prospective papers submitted for review can hence be theoretical or empirical in nature, but need to be methodologically sound and theoretically well-grounded. 

Relevant topics suitable for inclusion in this edited include amongst others:
- Firm and sectoral aspects of sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation 
- Sustainable enterprise performance and the role of innovation
- The role of entrepreneurship for sustainability for entrepreneurial innovation
- Entrepreneurship for sustainable development in small business
- Analysis of capabilities required for sustainable entrepreneurship
- Linkages of open innovation and user innovation to sustainability and entrepreneurship
- The role of policy instruments and regulation for fostering entrepreneurship for sustainable
- Innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainable business models and product-service systems

Formal aspects: the deadline for submission of full papers is 31 September, 2010 with a tentative publication date planned for 2011. All submissions must fit with instructions for contributors, and style guide of the Journal for Entrepreneurship and Small Business (see: and will go through the usual peer-review process of the journal. For more detailed questions on this Call for Papers, please contact the Guest Editors:

Marcus Wagner
Chair for Entrepreneurship and Corporate Growth
Julius Maximilians University of Wuerzburg
Stephanstr. 1, 97070 Wuerzburg, Germany
marcus.wagner at 
Tel: +49 931 31 87263


Jeremy Hall
Faculty of Business Administration
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive, Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6 
jeremy_hall at 
Tel: 778-782-589

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