REQUEST: In Search for Collaboration - Apologies for Cross Postings

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Sun Apr 11 20:32:39 MESZ 2010

From: Ulf Richter [ulf_richter at]
Date: Sun 11 Apr 2010 18:23

Dear all,

I am currently looking for research collaborations for joint data collections and publications.

I am located in Grand Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire, and Lima, Perú.

Potential topics:

·         Corporate social responsibility & sustainability
·         Entrepreneurship & investment in emerging economies
·         Strategies for post-conflict & bottom of thy pyramid environments

Sectors of interest:

·         Tourism
·         Energy & mining
·         Information & communication technologies

I am also currently setting up a social venture in Côte d’Ivoire:

Kachile is a newly launched, volunteer-staffed, social venture. Kachile’s mission is to develop viable e-commerce solutions in support of the commercialization efforts of the numerous artisanal communities across West Africa, most of which are operating at the bottom of the pyramid. Given the precarious situation for the local artisans trying to sustain themselves in post-conflict Cote d’Ivoire, we are developing a business model that seeks to promote sustainable development and economic growth and independence within these communities while highlighting the culture, traditions, and values of the region.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Ulf Richter

Dr. Ulf Richter
Profesor e Investigador Principal
CENTRUM Católica
Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú

Research Associate
International University of Grand Bassam
Côte d'Ivoire

Mobile (PE):    +51 1 945124150
Mobile (CI):    +225 48095923
Email:               ulf.richter at
Skype:             ulfrichter

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