CFP: European Entrepreneurship as an Engine for Post-Crisis Development – Challenges and Opportunities

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Mar 17 08:19:02 MEZ 2010

European Entrepreneurship as an Engine for Post-Crisis Development – Challenges and Opportunities
International Conference to be held on
8-10 September 2010
Borovets, Bulgaria

Mission of the Conference
The Conference’s mission is to bring together leading European and world ‘players’ in the field of entrepreneurship to discuss and share their results and opinions in the context of a United Europe: the place and the role of the European entrepreneurship in crisis and postcrisis development.

– To discuss the strengths and the weaknesses of European entrepreneurship in the context of globalisation, knowledge-based economies and multicultural business environment;
– To analyse the role and behaviour of European entrepreneurship in the crisis and in post-crisis development;
– To present recent entrepreneurship research and developments in entrepreneurship training in a united Europe;
– To discuss current and potential projects and develop networks between researchers and teachers, consultants, entrepreneurs and policy makers from Europe and the other regions of the world;
– To observe how European entrepreneurship could contribute to the success of a new European strategy for development until 2020.

Who should attend this conference?
– Researchers
– Teachers
– Consultants
– Entrepreneurs
– Policy-makers
– PhD students

General (panel) and specific (in sessions) topics will be discussed during the Conference. Among them will be:
– Innovation and Commercialisation
– Youth and Women Entrepreneurship – Aspirations and Motivations /
Developing Their Potential
– Family Business Development and Family Entrepreneurship
– Business Succession: Preparation of New Business Leaders
– Modern Entrepreneurship Education and Training
– Entrepreneurship and SMEs Support in the Crisis
– Management and Growth of SMEs after the Crisis
– European Entrepreneurship and Rest of the World
– Social Entrepreneurship
– Cross-border Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
– Management of High-tech Ventures
– SMEs in Global and Multicultural Environment

A round table on post crisis development for entrepreneurs will be organized. We expect to organize also a round table on post-crisis entrepreneurial behaviour of private European universities.

Main Organising Bodies
Bulgarian Association for Management Development and Entrepreneurship (BAMDE)
BAMDE is a leading organisation in the field of management and entrepreneurship training and development in Bulgaria. BAMDE brings together the most renowned Bulgarian universities, research and training institutions, promotes and safeguards the quality of trainers and training programmes and acts as a national platform for professional management and entrepreneurship development in Bulgaria in relation to international standards and best practice. BAMDE is a holder of best practice in entrepreneurship training recognized by EFMD.

Institute for Entrepreneurship Development (IED) at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE)
The IED is a pioneer in education, consulting and research in the field of entrepreneurship and SMEs in Bulgaria. IED results are used directly in the teaching and training process. The IED is focusing its work on supporting entrepreneurship activity in all of its dimensions – from the idea to start a small business, the management and development of small and medium-sized enterprises, to establishing corporate entrepreneurship in the large-scale, reviving organisations. The IED is striving through its activities to develop as a leading training institution, contributing to the development of the entrepreneurial potential of Bulgaria and to the creation of a new entrepreneurial culture – the driving force in competitive market economy.

Organising Committee
Kiril Todorov – Chairman, Bulgarian Association for Management Development and Entrepreneurship
Atanas Damyanov – D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov
Mitko Dimitrov – Institute of Economics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Petar Terziyski – National Centre for Vocational Training within the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Lyuba Mihalkova - University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia
Kostadin Kolarov – University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia
Emil Papazov – University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia
Kiril Grigorov – Bulgarian Credit Rating Agency
Yordanka Ivanova – Conference Secretary

Advisory Committee
David Smallbone (Kingston University, United Kingdom), Antti Haahti (University of Lapland, Finland), Ken O’Neill (University of Ulster, United Kingdom), Alain Fayolle (EM Lyon Business School and Visiting Professor at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles), J. Hanns Pichler (Austrian Institute for SMEs Research, Austria), Raymond Saner (Diplomacy Dialogue, University of Basle, Switzerland), Bogdan Piasecki (University of Łódź, Poland), Massimo Merlino (Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy), Ovidiu Nicolescu (Academy of Economics, Romania), Marijan Cingula (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Irina Kuzmina (Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Latvia), Konstantin Theile (Educatis University, Switzerland)

Abstracts and papers submissions
One-page abstracts giving a clear indication of the contribution to a sub-topic are expected by 15 April 2010. Feed back from the organisation committee will be notified one week later. Full papers (maximum 15 pages) are expected by 15 July 2010.

Conference Venue
The Conference will be held in a beautiful place located in a famous resort – Borovets close to the city of Sofia. Conference participants will enjoy specially negotiated conditions. The details will be sent with the Second Call.

How to get the Conference Venue
– By direct regular or chartered (tourist) flights to Sofia Airport (80 km to the venue) and by organized microbus to the venue. All the leading air-companies have regular flights to and from Sofia.
– By car (you could follow E-80 – Vienna – Zagreb – Belgrade – Sofia – Borovets or via Romania – Rousse – Sofia – Borovets)

We arranged special prices for accommodation in double and single rooms and apartments. Participants could extend their stay before and/or after the conference. Reservation, method of payment, detail programme, etc. will be specified after 15 May 2010 with the Second Call.

Social Programme
A number of different programmes for participants and accompanying persons will be organized. Among them are the famous Rila Monastery and the Valley of the Thracian Kings and Heroes.

Conference Fees and Participant Entitlement
Registration Fee before 15 June 2010 after 15 June 2010
ECSB & ICSB Members  € 300  € 350
Active Participants  € 350  € 400
Passive Participants  € 400  € 450
CEE Participants  € 250  € 300
Accompanying persons  € 200  € 250
Active participants:
Participants who present a paper, prepare a workshop or organize a poster presentation, which is accepted by the conference host, pay a reduced fee (see above).
• CEE participants – participants from a Central and Eastern European EU-member countries.
Participants from non-EU countries will pay 20% less.
Participants who have registered and paid the full fee are entitled to:
• Full participation in the conference
• Three lunches, tea and coffee breaks
• Social programme
• Admission to conference reception, dinners and the closing ceremony of the conference
• Conference documentation
• Admission to the best paper award competition – 1000 euro.
• Conference proceedings (to be published in 2011)
Those who have paid the accompanying person fee are welcome to attend the preconference reception, the social programme (specially designed for them) and the closing ceremony of the conference.

Further information
For general information, coordination, and for questions on contributions please contact
Kostadin Kolarov or Yordanka Ivanova,
by e-mail: conference at or kkolarov at

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