REQUEST: Seeking a Post-Doc Lecturing/Researching Role in the UK

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Mar 8 16:08:18 MEZ 2010

From: bruceajohnstone at [mailto:bruceajohnstone at] Im Auftrag von Bruce Johnstone
Date: Sat 6 Mar 2010 02:50

Hi All - especially those at UK universities.

I am looking for an opportunity to relocate to the UK for at least three years to pursue and extend my research and lecture and/or work in commercialising innovations or enterprise support.

I completed my PhD in Entrepreneurship in Auckland, New Zealand in 2008.  My methodology chapter was published as:
Johnstone, Bruce A., Ethnographic Methods in Entrepreneurship Research, Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship, Neergaard, H & Ulhøi, J (eds.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. 2006 ISBN13 978 1 84376 835 7 In Google books here  

I would like to carry on studying emerging entrepreneurs in different cultural settings using ethnographic methods to understand the barriers they face and how they can be better supported by society.   I have been experimenting using a tiny HD Flip video camera to record interviews with entrepreneurs and find that the presense of  such a tiny device is soon forgotten. This approach gathers a whole new level of nuance and detail from non verbal communication and responses.  What themes cause a sudden frown - or a wince?  What barriers become easier over time, which ones become harder?

I have a 20 year background as a practitioner, including taking a media business from start-up through to a successful trade sale to a multinational.

I also have a Henley MBA, a degree in Broadcasting Communications and some post grad qualifications in business research and commerce.
I have UK residency and a great UK network of friends and family - all I need now is a suitable position at a university.

So far I am on one short list and will be in the UK from 19 to 24 March for an interview.  If anyone is at a UK university that is hiring a lecturer, research fellow or professor-practitioner in entrepreneurship, please let me know as I have some spare time and would love to stop by for a chat.

Many thanks, Bruce
Bruce Johnstone
PO Box 37998, Parnell. Auckland, New Zealand, 1151.
DDI: +64 (0) 9 909 6011  f: +64 (0) 9 909 6094
m: +64 (0) 21 669 646  im: bruce_johnstone (Skype)
e: bruce at w:

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