POSITIONS: Doctoral Studentships (Cass Business School)

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Tue Feb 23 15:21:32 MEZ 2010

City University London
Doctoral Studentships
Cass Business School
Up to £14,900 per annum for 3 years + fees for up to 4 years

Apply now for one of up to 8 Cass PhD Studentships covering maintenance grant of £14,900 per annum (tax free) for 3 years plus full tuition fees for up to 4 years.

Also available:
. 2 x ESRC Studentships* in any area of Management or Finance covered by Cass Business School
. 1 x EPSRC Studentship* in Financial Mathematics, Actuarial Statistics or the Mathematical Aspects of Operations Research

As one of Europe's leading business schools, you will find yourself at the cutting edge of research in the areas of Finance, Management and Actuarial Science and Insurance.

For more information and application forms please visit: http://www.cass.city.ac.uk/phd/apply/index.html

Deadline for completed applications is March 12th 2010 (including all references).

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