CFP: E-Agenda 2020 - Where Do We Go from Here? Uncovering Future E-Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Innovators (IJEEI)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Feb 18 17:20:17 MEZ 2010

Call for Papers
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI)
Submission Due Date: June 30, 2010

E-Agenda 2020 - Where Do We Go from Here? Uncovering Future E-Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Innovators

Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Tobias Kollmann
Dr. Andreas Kuckertz


In many industries electronic business has dramatically altered the way companies are operated and numerous established business models on the web have successfully changed consumer behavior and consumers' everyday life. Countless entrepreneurs and innovators have contributed to this development and we have seen the web transform to a medium that became increasingly interactive with each step of its development. Within every phase of this development, new opportunities independent of a physical value chain arose for entrepreneurs to create added value through web-based platforms. Against the background of the ongoing and rapid progress of network technologies, this Special Issue collects research that provides rigorous answers to the question how entrepreneurial opportunities for electronic business will be affected by technological innovation in the medium to long term. By doing so it aims to set the agenda for both practitioners and researchers (E-Agenda 2020) who are interested in the interface of electronic business, entrepreneurship, and innovation management.

Objective of the Special Issue

This Special Issue of IJEEI aims at providing a forum for the discussion of the future impact of electronic business on entrepreneurial and innovative phenomena. We invite papers with different theoretical concepts and methods in order to assemble a rich, vibrant and multi-faceted special issue of IJEEI bringing together diverse perspectives. We particularly welcome quantitative and qualitative research designs that will help to shed light on potential technological and managerial developments (e.g., Delphi surveys), case research on market participants and organisations that are most likely to significantly shape the future electronic business environment, and thorough literature reviews that highlight emerging thoughts and help to set the research agenda for the years to come.

Recommended Topics

All papers included in this Special Issue should explore a subtopic of electronic business that is relevant with respect to entrepreneurship and innovation. Suggested topics to be discussed in this Special Issue include (but are not limited to) the following:

# Future and relevance of semantic technologies with respect to electronic business (intelligent web)
# Future of identity - avatars, alternate identities and the web
# Future of social networks, social media marketing, social gaming, and social commerce
# Future potential of mobile business models (location based services, location based gaming, mobile communities, etc.)
# Future potential of software agents for e-commerce and information retrieval
# Trends in digital convergence
# Trends in web security and privacy
# Upcoming developments in artificial intelligence that will result in opportunities for new electronic business models
# Upcoming developments in viral marketing and viral application design


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this Special Issue on or before 30 June 2010. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL'S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at prior to submission. All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.

All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:

Prof. Dr. Tobias Kollmann
Dr. Andreas Kuckertz
Guest Editors
Email: andreas.kuckertz at 

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