POSITIONS: EPSRC CASE Studentship (University of Leeds)

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Mon Feb 15 20:04:13 CET 2010

EPSRC CASE Studentship
University of Leeds - Leeds University Business School
Job ref 312449 
Closing date 1 March 2010

Applications are invited for an EPSRC CASE studentship to participate in three year full-time research in the area of Technology and Innovation from 1 April 2010

The research will be undertaken in collaboration with Balfour Beaty Utility Solutions. This project will link closely with the EPSRC, BBSRC, TSB Innovation Centre in regenerative medicine and devises.

Applicants should have a first degree and should hold, or be studying for, a Masters degree in a relevant subject. The studentship is open to UK/EU students and will cover fees and, for UK students, an annual maintenance allowance.

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Richard Thorpe, email r.thorpe at lubs.leeds.ac.uk or Angela Tattam, email A.M.Tattam at lubs.leeds.ac.uk Leeds University Business School, one of the UK's leasing Business Schools, is accredited by EQUIS, AMBA and professional bodies.

Postgraduate research application form can be downloaded from the University's Research Degrees web pages http://www.leeds.ac.uk/rds/ 

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