REMINDER: HTSF Conference, May 25-28, 2010- Call for Papers

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Jan 12 13:07:35 CET 2010

From: w.a.alberts at [mailto:w.a.alberts at] 
Date: Tue 12 Jan 2010 11:30

Dear All,

>From several sides we heard that the Call for Papers for the HTSF Conference arrived late at your (international) desks, therefore we would like to inform you that we decided to delay the term for delivery of the abstract with one week to January 20, 2010.

For the official call for papers and doctoral papers (PDF's), submission procedures, venue, location, and accommodation information, please visit our conference website:

We trust to have informed you all sufficiently with this message and we're looking forward to meeting you all again in May!

Kindest regards,
On behalf of the Organisational Team HTSF

Hèla Klaczynski & Gloria Rossini
E: h.klaczynski at

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