CFP: ERSA Congress on Sustainable Regional Growth and Development in the Creative Knowledge Economy

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Nov 16 16:45:47 CET 2009

From: Friederike Welter [mailto:Friederike.Welter at] 
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 8:35 AM

The Nordic Section of the European Regional Science Association has the privilege to organize the 50th anniversary ERSA congress in August 19-23, 2010. ERSA, the European Regional Science Association, is part of the worldwide RSAI (Regional Science Association International). ERSA is devoted to regional science, an expanding field dedicated to the development of theory and methods in urban and regional analysis and policy.

Congress Theme

The main theme of the Congress is “Sustainable Regional Growth and Development in the Creative Knowledge Economy”.
This theme encompasses and reflects wider European concerns about regional growth and development in an era of globalisation and increased environmental awareness expressed not least in the Lisbon Agenda. It naturally includes issues related to ICTs and infrastructure networks as well as regional, urban and rural policies in a time where sustainable economic growth is a major concern.

Keynote speakers

Professor Annalee Saxenian, University of California at Berkeley, USA 
Professor William Strange, University of Toronto, Canada

Special Round Table Session with the Nobel Laureate Professor Paul Krugman, Princeton University, USA, together with Professors Masahisa Fujita, Konan University, Japan and Anthony J. Venables, Oxford University, UK
Dates and Deadlines

Abstract submission: 
20th January, 2010 

Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 
1st March, 2010

Submission of papers for R-sessions and Y-sessions: 
14th April, 2010

Notification of acceptance of R-session and Y-session papers: 
12th May, 2010 

Registration at a reduced fee not later than: 
31st May, 2010

Submission of other papers (non-refereed): 
18th June, 2010

Types of Sessions  

The programme will include plenary sessions with keynote speakers, special S-sessions as well as traditional general O-sessions, refereed R-sessions and refereed Y-sessions (for young scientists) which will be organised on a variety of themes.

Congress Thematic Topics
Regional Science epistemology and pedagogy
Sustainability issues in regional development
Regional aspects of the knowledge economy
Regional economic modelling and spatial econometrics 
Geographical information systems and spatial analysis 
CGE-modeling in space
Location Studies
Gender aspects of regional development
Regional health and welfare issues
Globalization and regional competitiveness 
Infrastructure, transports and communications 
Regional economic growth and development
Problems and prospects of European integration 
Cross-border cooperation and development 
Urban-rural relationships
Regional and urban policy, planning and governance 
Land use, real estate and housing markets 
Social capital and regional development
Rural and local development 
Tourism and regional development 
Innovation and regional development 
Entrepreneurship and regional development
Labour markets, migration and demography
Social segregation, poverty and social policy
Territorial cohesion and regional development
Clusters - actors, processes and performance
Evolutionary economic geography

For a complete list of congress themes and special sessions, see

Visit Jönköping 

Jönköping, the tenth largest city in Sweden, is the centre of a region known for its numerous industries and high concentration of businesses. Jönköping International Business School is a young and pioneering school with entrepreneurship and business renewal as its main focus points. It has rapidly established itself as being one of  the strongest academic environments in Europe for research on entrepreneurship and regional economics.

Fee levels  

The fee levels are still to be decided, but it is the organizers’ intention to keep them in line with those for recent ERSA congresses. There will be a reduced fee for those born 1978 or later and for delegates from lower income countries.
Local Organizing Committee 

Executive Committee:
Professor Hans Westlund
Chair of Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Ms Iréne Bernhard, M.Sc.
Programme Secretary 
Ms Kerstin Ferroukhi 
Organization Secretary

E-mail: info at
Web page:

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