POSITIONS: Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship (University of Amsterdam)

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Fri Nov 13 11:36:09 CET 2009

Faculty of Economics and Business
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) conducts research and provides academic courses in the fields of Accounting, Finance, Management, Economics and Econometrics. The UvA has for a number of subsequent years been ranked as the best Dutch university according to the QS World University Rankings. The UvA School of Economics (ASE) and the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE), both part of the FEB, currently have the following joint vacancy: Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship 38 hours per week vacancy number 09-5042. The successful applicant will undertake and help coordinate research and teaching in the field of Entrepreneurship.


The University of Amsterdam School of Economics (ASE) is among the top economics research institutes in Europe. The most recent ranking by the Journal of the European Economic Association puts the ASE in the top 10. The School fosters a stimulating academic climate. Researchers in the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship publish in academic top journals on, e.g., the determinants of entrepreneurial activity and performance, either from a business or an economics perspective. Moreover, ACE actively disseminates research results to politicians, policymakers and the business world, large and small. The research is part of the larger Human Capital Group that takes a prominent research position within Europe and the Tinbergen Institute.


ACE has strong links and forms a larger group with the Economics of Organization Group. Both groups together consist of 2 full professors, 3 assistant professors (as yet) and a number of PhD students. Section members are also involved in teaching at both the undergraduate (BSc) and the graduate (MSc) level. The field of Entrepreneurship is well-embedded in the overall economics and business curriculum. ACE recently received a large grant from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. In collaboration with other institutes of higher education, the public sector and businesses in Amsterdam, new and innovative education programs throughout the University of Amsterdam are actively designed and implemented.


Candidates are expected to conduct research within the broad field of Entrepreneurship, either from a business or economics perspective. Research should reflect a clear quantitative and analytical orientation, preferable - given the current compositin of the group and its research activities - from an economics perspective. Moreover, candidates should be able to teach at different levels in the program and on various topics within the field of Entrepreneurship.

The teaching ranges from very academic to practical (students start up new ventures).


Requirements are a PhD in Economics and/or Business, the proven ability to initiate and implement research of high international standards, the ability to stimulate and encourage the research of others, demonstrated teaching and organizational competences, and the ability to teach in English. The candidate could also have obtained this experience within a related (teaching and/or research) field, such as labor economics or finance. Short listed candidates will be asked to give an academic seminar. The appointee will be required to follow the Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Programme (LTHEP, in Dutch referred to as BKO), a system adopted by all Dutch universities.


Applicants who require further information should contact:

CONTACT: Prof. dr. C. Mirjam van Praag
Email: C.M.vanPraag at uva.nl
Tel: 31 20 525 4096

The university is located in the centre of Amsterdam. For more information on the School of Economics, please check: http://www.ase.uva.nl

For more information on the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship, please check: http://www.ace-uva.nl

The appointment is tenure track 1+3. The salary will be on the salary scale for Assistant Professors at Dutch universities and in accordance with the collective agreement regulating employment conditions at Dutch universities. The division between teaching/management and research is 50/50, in principle. The appointment will be for an initial period of 1 year, starting in August 2010 at the latest. Upon adequate functioning, the appointment is prolonged for another 3 years, after which a tenure decision follows. Official Dutch scales for Assistant Professors run from Euro 2,379 (minimum scale 10) to Euro 4,970 (max scale 12) gross per month. Favourable tax agreements may apply to non-Dutch applicants.


Interested applicants should email their curriculum, a cover letter describing their research and teaching interests and two letters of recommendation to:

Email: applications-feb at uva.nl

Please include the job reference code.

The closing date for applications is the 8th of January 2010.

More info at http://www.ssrn.com/update/erpn/erpnjob/job09011.html


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